It’s just a bunch of political assholes. If you have the wrong opinion you get people being smart assess and bombed with downvotes but people in real life aren’t so hateful when you speak your mind probably because they are too intimidated since real life has consequences. Being social online breeds so much hate. Just look at this app

  1. You are absolutely right my friend. People are never as dismissive and aggressive in real life as they are on the internet because as you stated there *are* consequences in real life. On the internet there are none. Nothing can stop anyone from making a fake email and fake profile and getting on social media platforms and being a tough ass.

    Personally, I just don’t engage with people like that on the internet. Any hateful, aggressive, or rude responses I just ignore. Those kinds of people arent even worth interacting with.

  2. This is the problem of anonymity, I hear you and in an ideal world people would conduct themselves with decency on the internet but freedom of speech is taken too far. It’s also the fact that most of us are hiding behind a cartoon avatar, this gives many the security of not getting identified etc. Therefore they can lash out, piss off and project all the negative feelings and inner trash talk here onto others. You’re also right to say that conversations where two people have two different opinions usually leads to intellectual debates in real life but again, even in real life you may still meet some assholes. The difference is because the internet has no laws, it’s free for all and yeah, you’re going to get many folks ruining your experience because they can’t regulate their thoughts and emotions online, lashing out makes them feel powerful and better. I have thick skin and ignore everything I don’t want to deal with or deem immature, all I can control is myself.

  3. Social Media is literally engineered to do that. It “increases engagement with the platform” (which means they can sell more ads).
    Check out the book “The Chaos Machine” by Max Fisher

  4. Well I think the internet is the only thing stopping me from hating people. Real life makes me hate people.

  5. >but people in real life aren’t so hateful when you speak your mind
    probably because they are too intimidated since real life has

    Like what? Getting pepper sprayed? You wanna get pepper sprayed for laying hands on someone over an opinion you didn’t like? Fuck you smoking? Complain about people being hateful then go and talk about laying hands on somebody.

  6. Seems unfair to paint everyone with the same brush, notably when there are a lot of communities that are not political. Sounds like you think people irl don’t respond with smart ass quips because they’re intimidated by the consequences of making a smart ass comment? We aren’t intimidated, the rest of us just have different methods of responding. Your comments may not get you a snappy response or downvotes but they can make you lose friends or get yourself perpetually uninvited. Or get yourself on “I’ll always be busy whenever you need something from me” list. And you’ll probably never even realize what’s happening.

  7. Driving makes me hate people faster and more intensely

    I hate people’s self delusions on social media

  8. It doesn’t help bots and trolls dominate the landscape. As the US midterm elections are coming up I see another increase in hateful dividing rhetoric seeking to divide people. I think this can be repeated elsewhere many times.

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