So I have been extremely aroused and excited about getting fun sex toys and items for myself. There is a unique thrill and excitement about trying new sexual things.

The problem is that sometimes the thoughts of buying sex toys and having sessions with sexual objects is so strong it incapacitates me. This isn’t ideal since it makes me feel like I’m not in control of my life and I’m in college, trying to pass classes.

Does anyone else have experience with this type of intense desire to buy sex toys and any insight as to how to deal with this? I don’t think giving in is good, but it does feel good to get some stuff, trying to contain myself so I don’t spend all my money.

  1. If this is getting to the point of impacting your life it’s a problem. Talk to your doctor about it.

  2. What you’re describing is a form of paraphilia called fetish (excitation from objects) but it isn’t a disorder unless it causes you anxiety, stress, or interferes with your ability to live your life. Lots of people associate objects or body parts with sexual excitement and that’s totally okay. In the kink community this is widely accepted.


    If you’re concerned that it is impacting your ability to live a happy life, talk to a sex positive therapist but understand that you’re allowed to have these feelings and you can enjoy all of it, provided you’re not interfering with your ability to maintain your own care in life.


    As an example, calling in sick once every 6 months to blow off steam playing video games does potentially impact your life but it’s a reasonably common thing to do. It has the potential to cause issues so you’re going to be careful not to do that too often and you’ll pick a time when it (hopefully) won’t be a problem for your coworkers. It wouldn’t mean you have video game addiction if you weren’t risking your health, safety, or self-care.

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