What’s the worst advice you received?

  1. “Get a practice girlfriend”

    Every guy that’s told me this has turned out to be an absolutely massive douche.

  2. 1. Nobody can love you until you love yourself
    2. You can’t love if you don’t love yourself

    Both are absolutely horrible statements and plain untrue.

  3. “You know, son, there really is no such thing as cheating if you aren’t married. The Bible doesn’t recognize any relationship that isn’t bound in the covenant of the Lord. So until you are married, relationships don’t really exist.”

    “Thanks Dad, you just indirectly explained why you’re on your third marriage.”

  4. Basically any dating advice from Reddit.

    No amount of lifting, working on my “personality”, respecting woman, being a good person, getting into hobbies, being friends with woman first, Pua nonsense, getting professional profile pictures, going out with wingman, numbers game, etc worked for me.

    I spent over 10 years wasting my time with all this nonsense dating advice. Then when I turned 28 I got a hair transplant, a rhinoplasty, and a BSSO and my life turned around. I actually have a sex life and dating is something I’m able to do now.

    So I cringe whenever people give dating advice that has nothing to do with looks, it’s like people will recommend literally anything but the one thing that actually makes a difference.

  5. “Wear a suit and tie, march right into the establishment you want to work for, find the manager and give him a firm handshake and ask for a job”

    I got this advice a lot as a teenager looking for my first job. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who got their job this way. The kinds of people giving me that advice were older guys who got hired through knowing someone at the company.

  6. I had a friend tell me ‘look a dog in the eye if you want to establish yourself as the alpha’. This is a terrible idea because they see this as a threat/challenge. I was doing a pizza delivery once and I had this Doberman pitbull staring at me from the window of the door ready to defend his property. In my attempt to calm him down and show him who’s boss, I looked at the pitbull right in the eyes and that’s when I realized it was getting more aggressive and kept trying to bang his way through the door to attack. The owner showed up to collect their pizza and they calmed the pitbull down but I know if the owner wasn’t around, it would’ve been another story lol

  7. “Just be nice to her women like nice safe men”. My mother used to say this to me. Whenever she still says that I just roll my eyes and say thanks mom.

  8. “You shouldn’t worry about the money. You need to start popping out kids so we have grandchildren to play with.”

    My ex-girlfriend’s parents to me.

  9. “Just don’t be sad” wow really dude or “it’s not hard bro just talk to girls u will surely get laid” solid advice

  10. Any dating advice from Women.

    You don’t ask a fish how to catch a fish. You ask a fisherman how to catch a fish.

    A woman is going to tell you what would strictly work on her. At that point your getting the equivalent of 14 year old boy advice.

  11. ‘Don’t worry you can do it” is the worst thing I ever heard mostly from my parents, no matter what happened. Like I could really need help doing xy or having a good advice but then this shit comes along

  12. “Just be yourself.”

    Um, good sir, if I were just myself, I would not have left my apartment. I would be at home playing video games and smoking weed.

  13. “There’s always someone better than you.”

    Yeah because that’s what you tell someone with self-esteem issues and an inferiority complex.

    This is pretty much one out of a few reasons why I don’t participate in tournaments anymore.

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