My workplace have links with a local care home and we’re going to be donating small gifts this year, I plan to do a couple – the idea is to give a wrapped gift for a man, a woman or either (so no one specific.)

I don’t have any elderly people in my life – any suggestions for good gifts?

Edit: thanks for the great ideas everyone!

  1. * Slippers
    * A book
    * Hankies

    be careful with sweet stuff (they might be diabetic) or alcohol (they might not be able to have alcohol with some medications).

  2. Games that can go in the communal area would be welcomed. Jigsaws, playing cards, dominoes, Jenga, etc

  3. When I’ve done this before we were given lists of suggestions. There was often stuff like socks, hats, scarves, gloves, jumpers, other clothing accessories. As well as games, books (fiction, or books of crosswords/sudoku), crafty stuff like colouring pencils.

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