Been talking to this guy for over a week from online dating. Texting seems to be going great. We both already expressed we are looking for a relationship but would like to start off as just friends. He was going to workout with a friend today and said he should be free by 1pm and we’ll make definite plans once he tells me he’s done since we’re both off today anyways. 2pm rolls around he’s actively texting me but hasn’t said anything about making plans and I don’t want to wait around so I said “since you’re not done I’m going to head to the gym now”. He said his friend ended up inviting his girlfriend over so he’s going to be stuck with them for a bit. It’s just a bit annoying because this is the second guy I’ve talked to where similar situation has happened and they can’t seem to be communicative and isn’t really respecting my time. Felt like he could’ve told me he can’t hangout today instead of me having to ask. I told him next time tell me when he has a definite time to hangout. But we’ve been actively texting and getting to know each other. I’m not sure if I’m overreacting or would this be an early red flag. What do you guys think? Should I continue to talk to this guy and see what happens?

1 comment
  1. I mean it’s annoying, but this is more of a preference thing than a definite red flag. I’d honestly say you might be too attached, but he also could be an asshole, idk. It’s ok to be excited, but it doesn’t seem like this guy asked you on a date then canceled. Most guys are flaky when they don’t have “noble” intentions. Best case scenario is that something unexpected got in the way and he was too nervous to bring it up/hoping you wouldn’t mind. Worst case scenario is that he’s lying or didn’t care enough to be proactive in telling you.

    Did he try to make new plans? If not, I’d just move on. If he tries to set up another time, it was probably a mistake. But if it isn’t a bar you’re willing to set, don’t set it, and move on to someone who won’t put you in this position. He’s one guy out of many

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