Females of reddit, What kind of abuse have you got on the platform and to what extent?

  1. Some shitty comments and a few DM’s asking sexual questions. It hasn’t been too bad really, I’ve had a lot worse on other sites.

  2. Various insults because apparently posting nsfw content means I *have* to sext with and entertain random strangers and they don’t like it when I won’t.

    Straight up r**e threats, had quite a few of those

  3. Many people suggesting I take my own life in DM. I made a few quite popular posts that some people just didn’t agree with. One of them had pictures of my husband and I married and they were attacking him so I removed it. I don’t care what people say to or about me, but leave my husband out of it.

  4. None. I’m fairly circumspect on what I comment on and I’ve got it so I can’t be sent DMs.

  5. Horny messages. Being told I’m stupid. Was talking with one person, and everything is fine. Then I don’t respond for hours because I was at work, and she’s gone off on some unhinged rant in my DMs.

    I just roll my eyes and block at this point.

  6. None actually. Either I’m very lucky or hopefully I have the ability to avoid/repel this kind of people.

  7. Creepy DMs from NSFW accounts,

    Being told to end my life

    Having the reddit cares bot spammed to me (protip : you can block it like any other user)

    Being told outright that my “genetics” make me an animal.

    Compared to rapists.

  8. I’ve commented on a few subs talking about my SA experiences (even this one) and got a ridiculous amount of messages asking if I was into the assaults and if I have r*** fantasies and how exactly they are gonna do it to me.

  9. I’ve talked to plenty misogynists, of course. Nothing serious enough to label it as abuse, I think.

    There’s one guy that trolls a sub, picking arguments with women & then refers to them as “fuck holes” & other vulgar vagina terms, that’s been the worst of it so far lol.

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