What are the thing every men should be aware of?

  1. Life is not fair. Most humans will prey upon you if it gives them an advantage or reward. Your career and your bank balance mean very little if you don’t have loving relationships that benefit from them.

  2. Don’t try to be perfect you will never be.
    But try to be a better self for you and your loved ones.

  3. There is a dial or switch in most cars that will tilt the headlights up or down. This is useful for not destroying the retinas of the guy driving in front of you.

  4. There are a few too many cynical comments here. You need to be aware that your integrity will be vitally important the older you get.

  5. There are no dragons.

    There are no final bosses or biggest moments or masked figures in dark cloaks whom you slay and then everything goes right and it’s happily ever after.

    Life is a million small battles in a war of attrition with a shitty world and losing one will set you back further than winning a hundred moved you forward.

    And then you die.

    Life would be simpler if there was a dragon to slay, but sadly, that is not our story


    But also

    – Max your company match on your 401k if it’s offered. It’s literally free money.

    – You can call the police to help you retrieve your belongings from your crazy ex girlfriends house for both of your safety.

    – Have a lawyer, send them a bottle of liquor of their preference around Christmas. You don’t have to retain them but maintaining that relationship helps.

    – Have a credit card. Use it, pay it off each month. Credit History is unfortunately necessary and cash back / miles are basically free if you pay it off each month.

    – Never take more than you’re willing to lose to a casino.

    – Never get a balloon mortgage.

    – Never borrow a toy you can’t afford to replace if you break it. Goes double for vehicles.

    – No matter what she says about birth control never finish inside unless you’re ready to be a father.

    – Cocaine is god’s way of telling you you’re making too much money

    – There’s two kinds of men in this world, the kind you hit and the kind you find something to hit em with, sometimes that’s a car.

    – Nothing good ever comes after someone on the street calls you “My Friend” or “Buddy”

    – Learn how to swim. It’s probably the most glaringly obvious “If you know how to do this you’ll live. If not, you’ll die” skill.

  6. A lot of comments here about not trusting anyone and not showing weakness, which is just as foolish as thinking that you should trust everyone and be vulnerable with everyone. Be aware that there are trustworthy people and untrustworthy people, that some people will punish your vulnerability but others will reward your vulnerability with care and understanding. Learn to identify which people are worthy of trust, and which people you can be vulnerable with.

    I got burned a lot by trusting the wrong people when I was younger, now I am starting to meet more genuinely good and trustworthy people and often think to myself ‘well where the fuck were you when I was wasting my youth on a bunch of high-functioning sociopaths?’

  7. Get your hormones tested regularly on the 5’s and 0’s i.e. age 25,30. This will build up a history of your levels. It is surprising how much of your health would go to pot cause of low testosterone.

  8. The grass is always greener, around the block, on the other side of town, in my least liked friends house, on business trips, next door, your sisters house, your brothers house, etc etc etc …

  9. Dressing well goes a long way. Don’t be afraid to wear something just because the guy over won’t. I think men can be self conscious with what they wear bc they want to appear like all the other men.

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