Theres this person who has spent the past 7 months trying to be my friend and trying to become more than that also. To her credit its been a solid month since the last time she tried to get me to agree to anything more than friends and weeks since she said anything suggestive but idk i still just dont really feel any strong way about this person and we have nothing really to talk about. Ive been wanting to end this for a bit but everytime ive gone too the first words out of their mouth is something about how im their only friend and they are in a really bad place or somethings happening to them so i try to comfort them ofc but by the time thats over im exhausted and the timing doesnt feel right so i wait and then try again and its the same story.

It needs to end but i need a good way to approach this so advice is welcome

Tldr: got a clingy friend who seems to really need me whenever i try to end the relationship but i really do want the relationship over. I dont know how to properly approach this

  1. There’s no “gentle” way of departing from someone. They’re going to be hurt regardless. Be firm and sincere. Express how they have a lot on their plate and you’d be more than happy to support them but you also have a lot on your plate as well. Explain to them that supporting them endlessly is mentally exhausting you and distracting you from your own life’s conflicts and troubles. Assure them it’s not their fault and that you just need distance.

    You also can be firm on not wanting a relationship with them, but you’re open to being strictly friends (if you’re interested but doesn’t seem like it).

  2. Are you afraid of physical harm or her causing direct harm to your life? I don’t understand.

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