2nd marriage here. Only been married a little over a year. So my husband is an avid outdoorsman. I knew this going in. Honestly I don’t mind and glad he has things he is passionate about. Recently I broke my foot and had to have surgery. It was all my fault. I had a few to many drinks and we were at a neighbors and he came home and went to bed. I wanted to stay longer. When I came home, walking through the garage, I kicked/tripped and caused enough damage to have a plate and pins needed. Right foot so I can’t drive. I had to firmly ask that he take off for the day of surgery and the day after. Normally his days are reserved for his hobbies. Ok cudos for that, he actually took off for me. But still if I didn’t brow beat him he would have just let a family member take me. After surgery, he has a annual hunting trip that lasts a week. I didn’t ask him to cancel. He took me to his parents for them to take care of me while he was gone. If the shoe were on the other foot, there’s no way I would have left him. Am I being too sensitive? Is his behavior normal? We married after only knowing each other for 6 months. I’m just not sure what to think. He just has 0 empathy and I have all the empathy and emotions for both of us. Never been around someone like that.

  1. I think you should have known him for a couple of hunting seasons before getting married. This dude is an asshole.

  2. Not to be harsh, but why the heck would you marry someone after only knowing them for six months?

  3. While I personally don’t get it, I do know most avid hunters don’t let anything get in the way of a hunting trip. The seasons are short, and for some animals, the seasons may only be a few weeks.

    So, I think he’s a jerk for leaving you.

    But I also think this why one shouldn’t rush into a marriage. If he’s like other hunters I’ve met, he is going to always prioritize hunting season(s) over pretty much everything else.

    Not that I understand it.

  4. Yes, yes you are.

    You knew his passions and dedication to them going in.

    Did he leave you alone? No, he ensured you were taken care of. Is it ideal, no. But it is the man you married.

  5. He is putting his interests first and foremost. He has never taken time off for your interests? Yeah, he is not much of an SO. My wife is my first priority. If she is injured or sick, I take care of her without any question. She knows I have her back as she has mine. We are a team and we will carry each other when stuff happens.

    You need to re-evaluate your relationship. I’d suggest counseling to give it your last chance before hitting the door. Maybe if he was made to realize what you are feeling, he might respond positively.

    If you walk, and I wouldn’t blame you, you may want to get therapy yourself so that you make better choices in a spouse. Mr. Right-Now is seldom Mr. Right.

  6. Not even remotely normal.

    I saw somewhere here that you married him after knowing him for six months. Honey, no. It takes at least two years to get to know a person – ideally 5+. *You made a mistake.*

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