Hi reddit, I’m looking for some help.

I have a problem with maintaining my erection during masturbation and sex. For example I can go from rock solid to soft in 20 seconds if I am not physically stimulating my penis and this can happen when I stop masturbating (even with porn still playing) or when there’s no direct physical stimulation during sex (like when I go down on my gf). Changing positions is also difficult and we have to do it fast or else I am not hard enough to put it back in.

If I maintain physical stimulation (PIV sex or constant hand job from gf for example) I can keep my erection rock solid until I cum. No problem.

I get semi-hard just thinking about my gf when I’m in a good mood, and it can take up to a minute of touching to get me going. The moment the touching stops, or I go down on her for example, my penis goes soft and it becomes more difficult to get it hard again. So it makes sexy time feel like a sprint because I can’t take my time and tease her. But once it’s up, I have no problem maintaining it as long as my penis is physically stimulated.

Does anyone have this issue or any tips/advices on how to make my erection stay rock solid for more than a 10secs without any stimulation? The problem is that I don’t know what is going on.

About me

* Rarely drink
* Nonsmoker, no drugs
* No known health issues, some times of high anxiety from school but not in the bedroom
* Lift weights 2x a week and hard cardio 1x a week.
* No self esteem issues in the bed, comfortable with my body
* Vegetarian, on the skinny side but still have some muscle
* Drink about 1L water a day
* Masturbate right now average 1x / day, with porn (just M and F PIV normal, no hardcore or anything). Stopped last November for a month but didn’t see benefit. Only restarted because I got new gf and wanted to keep system ‘active’.
* I do get random boners (which last for a minute, sometimes abit more) maybe once a month
* I do get morning woods every other day, they usually last up to 30 secs after me waking up and realizing that I’m rock solid.
* I’m average in size, have phimosis and can’t retract foreskin when hard. No problem when soft.

I’ve been to psychologist who thought it was because I was focusing too much on having a hard erection which was making me anxious. I don’t think that is my issue as I am not anxious in the bedroom unless it’s my first time with someone. Plus I’m not anxious when I masturbate but the problem still happens.

The phimosis is annoying because it can get painful but using lube has always solved this issue. I think it could be porn and over stimulation issue but when I tried to reduce it last time, it killed my sex drive altogether and I didn’t feel horny. Want to cut back on porn but not if I don’t feel horny at all. I have been to general doctor about it and haven’t found him helpful. Don’t think urologist is helpful since I don’t think this is a physical issue. Any advice on how I can help myself?

**tl;dr. I can not keep my erection hard when my penis is not physically stimulated. 10 seconds for it go to soft. Don’t think it’s physical. Need some help/advice on how to overcome this and who I can see to help me solve it.**

  1. Practice edging yourself for long periods without cumming. Train your body to keep that erection.

  2. This is standard operating procedure for penises! No stim, go down! This is not a problem. When changing positions, keep stroking your dick to keep it hard. When giving her head, don’t worry about your dick going soft. When both of you are getting ready to go from oral to PiV, either you, or her start stroking your dick to get it hard.

    Also, look up death grip! Yes, your porn habits are interfering. If porn is what keeps you horny, this is NOT healthy!

    The thought of seeing your girl, the thought of taking her panties off, the thought of that last time you had sex with her, those are things that should make you horny. Not porn alone! If you can’t get hard by thinking about your girl, and only porn gets you hard… Yeah, you’ve over done it.

    About the phimosis, fix it. It is not something you have to live with. Look it up online. Depending on many factors, either you can fix it yourself, or you may need to speak to a doctor.

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