What’s something us guys do that accidentally scare women?

  1. Walk behind them at the same pace so we never quite pass them. Especially at night.

  2. Live.

    Every time I’m brushing my teeth or something and my wife walks in the bathroom, she screams.

    Then she gets angry..”I DIDN’T KNOW YOU WERE IN HERE!”

    Uh, yeah, I don’t schedule or announce my oral hygeine

  3. I’m 6’4” and about 240lbs.

    I’d say existing. Women jump just turning a corner and seeing me. I once was at work, was walking around the building to the door, and met a coworker walking toward me as she came around the corner. She literally yelled out “Rape!”. I swear to god. It’s nuts…

  4. Every woman I’ve asked about it agrees it’s unsettling when men yell, even if it’s not at them.

  5. Shouting, punching walls, walking too close behind.
    That last one in particular really isn’t anyone’s fault, it’s just instinct.

  6. Y’ever think of posing this question to women? You know, the ones who would probably have better answers based on personal experience?

    Why do so many people come to this subreddit and ask questions that would obviously be better answered by women?

  7. Causal displays of strength. Every once in a while I do something that reminds the women in my life that men are, on average, orders of magnitude stronger than women.

    It’s a scary thought for them. The reality of the fact that the average woman could do absolutely nothing to defend against a man if that man snapped

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