I have always dreamt of finding my person and marrying young but the statistics say bad idea. Has anyone had any good experiences, or bad, and if so, why?

  1. Numbers don’t lie. The person you are at 19 or 20 is drastically different from who you will grow to become by 30. I married young and it was a mistake.

  2. My husband and I started dating at 16, married at 26 and are still together. We’ll be celebrating our 6th wedding anniversary this year. It is very possible to find the love of your life at a young age, but it is rare. We got lucky because we grew together and didn’t grow apart. I think we work so well together because our personalities and core values are so similar. I can honestly say he’s my favorite person in the world and I would be lost without him

  3. I was 19 when I first got together with my husband, although I had been friends with him since I was 12. Got married when I was 25 and he had just turned 30. We don’t have a typical past, lets just say trauma bonding is a real thing. However we are both very different people than when we first got together, and I love him more today than I ever thought was possible.

  4. I married my wife at age of 23 and she was 21. We have been married for 25 years, together for 26. she has always been and will always be my soulmate. We share everything in life and love and never had any significant problem. We grew up sexually too together.

  5. Been with mine since our teenage years, married early 20s. Love it.

    We’ve changed and grown together. Marriage lasts if the people involved want it to; it’s that simple.

  6. Married 50 years here. Some advise: We married at 20/21. If things are right, it’s the only way to go. I think people are best equipped to have children between 20 and 30 and best equipped to raise them between 30 and 40. By the time you hit 50, grand-kids are enough to deal with. The first and most important thing is that you must be deeply and truly in love. Too many marriages are based on sexual infatuation. Your mind is fixated on sex and not the larger picture. {a Life Partnership} We had a good plan for most things. Life of course produced bumps in the road that we didn’t count on, but I think we are both the people who we would want to depend on if things go wrong. I trust and depend on her with my life and she with me. I think it’s always been that way. You can’t marry someone who you think, well she is ok for this but not for that. We share everything evenly. One checking account, all our money goes together, (except our inheritance money) and we share our passwords on phones and computers. If you are ready to approach life this way. Marriage is the best partnership going. She is my best friend, my lover and the most important person in my life.

  7. I’ve known my husband since we were 12. We got married when I was 20. We’ll be married for 10 years this year. I’m glad we got married young… it spared us a lot of financial insecurity when we were college students with 2 incomes and shared bills, we were able to save to buy a house more easily. I’m 30 and we’re done having kids, while some of our friends are just starting. We don’t fight about money because we grew up together and developed all our financial habits and goals together.

    I think there are a lot of valid reasons young people shouldn’t get married, but just being young isn’t the issue. It’s naivety/immaturity that leads to overlooking red flags and problems, or people who don’t actually care about or value marriage getting married because they feel they have to.

  8. I married at 19 been with him since 16. It’s been nice. I’ve always had a pleasant time during the entirety of our relationship. He’s always been amazing to me and makes me feel cherished.

  9. Show me the statistics that show people who marry early get divorced more often than people who marry older?

    Because as far as I’m concerned no matter when you marry the divorce rates are pretty shitty.

    I met my husband when I was 16. Married at 18. Still very, very, very happily married at nearly 31.

  10. How young are we talking?

    Teenagers? While exceptions to the rule are always there, the data isn’t good at all on teenage marriages.

    Early 20s? The odds get better but it really depends on the true maturity of the two and how wise they are to check off all of the boxes for each other and how well they know each other. Some race to the alter, overlooking much and expecting the bad things to change after marrying–and they never do. Others show maturity and depth, are careful and particular with their choice and it can work.

    My wife and I married at 22 and we were one of the very mature couples among our group of friends. And here we are very happy together four decades later, now loving our grandchildren.

  11. I married my high school sweetheart. She’s had 1 other guy, they dated before me, she took my virginity. That was 13 years ago. We have 3 kids 5 and under and we head over heals over each other!!
    She’s an amazing woman, my heart doesn’t even beat for me anymore, just her!
    However in college we did have a few but I’m so freaking happy 😊

  12. I married at 20
    Now I’m 32 and my marriage is “almost” broken …. Totally regret 100% marrying young .

    Obviously is not the same for everyone .

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