I just bought a watch today for way under value that I’m going to hold onto for years to come while the value “hopefully” appreciates and it got me thinking about this.

Edit: I appreciate the advice but just to clarify, I did not purchase the watch as something to hold onto for value and sell down the road. I purchased it because I liked the look of it and will make good use of it down the road especially with the deal I got on it. My philosophy on watches and jewelry is that I hope to pass it down to my child (when I have one)

  1. Buying commodities like art and jewelry is a gamble. In inflationary times they can make you a lot of money but they can also drop when the economy turns.

    I would say the best asset a man can have is patience, not something you buy or sell.

  2. Fishing boat. Fuck the financial side of things, the mental health side of it is more important

  3. An emotional support system that isn’t a living thing or dependent on a living thing.

  4. Quality shoes and clothing. My Tommy Bahama shirts are expensive but I have at least one from the previous century with an average of 10 years if I do not mistreat them.

  5. We’ve been living in a paid-off house for several years now. We worked toward this for 35 years knowing it was a good idea. This is what finally enabled us to retire early.

    What we didn’t expect was the immense sense of security and comfort it brings.

  6. A good education.

    What you know can’t be lost or stolen. Skills and knowledge can’t burn up in a house fire or be washed away by a hurricane. Wherever you go, your education is right there with you.

  7. Watch guns and butter speech by Melvin from baby boy. Traditionally, watches aren’t considered assets.

  8. The best which you can afford, this is especially true for everything between you and the ground e.a. shoes,socks,tires,bed etc.

    I own a quality build but simple gshock watch, and wear mostly outdoor brands because they give you more for your money.

  9. It depends on your over all goals, risk tolerance, knowledge, and investment strategy.

    Generally speaking though: Real Estate, businesses, stocks, crypto, bonds, certain watches, certain vehicles, rare books, rare coins, art, all have positives and negatives, though I’d say real estate is hard to beat for overall wealth building.

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