If you have had the marriage talk with your bf, how long should you wait for him to propose (assuming he’s a traditionalist) before assuming it’s not actually going to happen?

  1. Depends entirely on the specific details of what was discussed in “the marriage talk”.

  2. Took me about a year, because we were moving and I wanted to do it at the right time. And if I’m honest I procrastinated somewhat.

    Plus, rings can be expensive and there’s often a lot of pressure to get the right one – especially if you believe in it requiring a minimum spend based on your salary as there’s only so quickly you can pull together a relatively large amount.

    Appreciate the assumption you gave might prevent it, but have you considered proposing to him?

  3. Nobody here knows your bf or your relationship.

    Don’t rely on strangers’ advice when it comes to important relationship advice.

  4. Tell him its been a while since talking about marriage and ask if he’s really serious. If he’s not, asky why. If it’s something that can’t be worked around, you have to decide whether or not marriage is so important that you’d break up with him or can you live without marriage.

  5. What’s homeboys criteria for getting married? Most of my friends have some financial thing they want before popping the question. For example paying for the wedding and ring itself. The number one thing my friends say when I ask them when they’re going to marry their girlfriend is “I can’t afford it right now”.

    There’s rarely any other reason. Sometimes they wait for certain plans to be fulfilled. Really rarely they need to have some experience. On occasion they also wait before the fathers approval, so there’s getting the stones up for that one if they’re traditional.

    Given it’s been said you’re going to get married you can start talking about it. When I was planning on it with an ex we’d talk about things we wanted beforehand.

  6. Skip the talk. You already had it. Propose to him. His answer will help you plan your next move.

  7. my wife waited for 5 years before I proposed because we couldn’t afford the wedding until then. That criteria is up to you and your bf, anyone else putting down hard timelines is doing you two a disservice and you would be ill-advised to listen to them.

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