Did I scare him off by kissing him after second date?

Hi guys! I, 30 (f), went on a second date with a guy 32 (m) and I thought we were having a nice time. Our first date was at a bar and we had a drink and the second date we went on a walk at the park. I thought we were having a good time. We laughed and talked and enjoyed each others company. I thought he was giving me signs that he was interested. He smiled at me and gave good eye contact and i told him I thought he was cute and he said the same to me. At the end of the date he was saying how we could do something during the week and I said absolutely! Maybe grab a bite to eat or something.

And as he walked me to my car and I gave him a hug, I kind of looked at him quickly and said kiss? And kissed him fast on the lips. I definitely caught him off guard and he just smiled and left. I feel so embarrassed that I did that. It was definitely awkward and I can’t help but think that came off desperate. I don’t think I am but of course i am looking for that special someone!

He didn’t text me after the date until about 10pm and he said he doesn’t see us clicking romantically and that it was a nice girl and he wishes me luck in dating.

I’d say I’m definitely an attractive woman so I know it wasn’t that he wasn’t attracted to me. Anyway..what do you guys think? I’m definitely upset and embarrassed and some words off encouragement and advice would be nice. I definitely took an ego hit. Thank you! 🙂

  1. I don’t think you came across as desperate. Even if you did maybe he could’ve taken advantage of that fact.. but he did not. I think he might not have just clicked with you on a personal level. Also, Its ok to take an L.. there are 7.5 billion ppl in this world and not everyone will like you or dislike you. To each their own. Move on and keep shooting your shot! I’m sure someone out there is waiting for you

  2. ? This is a mystery.

    Appearances are deceiving. You felt like it was a good time. He felt something else?

    What it could be, I am not sure.

    Surprise kisses are fun and spontaneous. He may have not felt ready or just didn’t feel it at all.

  3. I don’t know…

    I read your story and the way you kissed him came off more as cute than someone who was desperate. And from the sound of it, you said it was something quick vs you trying to sit there and make out with him.

    Sounds like the issue is a him problem and not a you problem so I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it. As a guy who is sly and self proclaimed horrible at reading the “signs” I’d welcome a move like that haha. But to me, based on how you described things, I don’t think you were wrong in your actions at all.

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