What is the favourite tattoo you have? Or if you don’t have any, what tattoo would you like to get?

  1. my favorite is my tattoo of my husband’s and my initials with a diamond, i love it, granted all my tattoos are amazing but if i had to choose, then that’s the one

  2. I don’t have any, but if I really wanted to get one, I’d like it to be a wolf in a forest background. It would be really small, and probably on my wrist.

  3. Hmm I like them all. My favourite might be the noisy miner and mango on my right thigh. It’s definitely my biggest most detailed piece.

  4. I don’t have any, but I would love to get some botanical tattoos, insects and anything nature related really. In the style (idk what that exact style is called) Mei Pang has. I am absolutely obsessed with the aesthetic she has.

  5. Don’t have any yet, but planning my first one quite soon – it will be a floral piece, in a black and grey fineline style, on the side of my hip and running down to around mid thigh. A little bigger than a typical “first tattoo”, so I’m quite nervous and anxious about that, but have been thinking and planning it for ages so I’m finally ready to go for it. (Any tips or advice, or words of reassurance from anyone who has something like this already would be appreciated!)

  6. I love them all, but my favorite is the Fibonacci spiral. Can’t really explain why, but I love the idea of having the perfect ratio permanently on my body.

  7. My daughter passed away 6 months ago & I once I can afford to, I’d love to get her name tattooed on my wrist.

  8. I have 5 and love them all but I think my faves are the pink stylized bows on the backs of my thighs that say “good girl.”

  9. My favourite is my devil girl pinup on my forearm. A friend drew her for me a few years ago and I loved her so much I had to get her inked on me, only trouble is people think it’s actually me when I’m pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to be me, she initially had brown eyes but my artist did use green and I have green so I can see why people assume it’s meant to be me lol

  10. I have my two oldest kids’ names tattooed on the back of my neck in Thai letters that I got done on my trip to Thailand 11 years ago.

  11. I have a small reaper holding an hourglass. Its my favorite. Reminds me I only have so much time so not to waste it.

  12. Mine is this big flower with a couple smaller ones around it, a bold triangle outline in the middle and the middle of the triangle, the flower is all color ink.

  13. I have three tattoos and I can’t decide which one I love the most.

    1. An OM symbol

    2. “All this is Divinity”

    3. A tiger

    I’ve have an appointment to get a 4th one next week and I’m so excited!!!

  14. My favorite is a huge fairy that I have on my right arm.

    One of these days I’m going to match it with a dark fairy on my left arm. It’ll cover up some shitty tattoo that I got when I was 18, because I was really stupid at 18 and picked the absolute worst tattoos.

  15. I have several but my fav is probably the one I have inside my left upper arm – ‘infragilis’. I’ve been through a lot and I remain unbreakable!!!

  16. I think a lot about getting a tattoo of a greenhouse I built in highschool. Simple stick n poke of the inside edge of my left thumb. I have a small scar there from working on the greenhouse.

  17. I don’t have any yet, I’m really not well (bedbound in reality) and not able to sit long enough to get one, but I want a large arm piece that curls around my shoulder back and side.

    I want a snake, it probably seems cliche, but it will be based of a piece I drew years ago. It was honestly the last time I remember feeling total peace and tranquility, and I think about thay painting a lot – I want it to be a part of me now, so I can carry that with me.

  18. I will be getting a small heart, a viking rune, and a saying in Latin that means a lot to me.

  19. i dont have it yet, but a rain cloud/some form of rain symbolism. seeing the rain makes me insanely happy and i’d love to look at my body and see something like that on there.

  20. Probably my 1st tattoo. It’s a quote from Agamemnon that Robert Kennedy also really liked.

    “To learn is to suffer”

    The full quote is “to learn is to suffer for even in sleep pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until, in our despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of the gods.”

    My other tattoo is from digimon.

  21. I always liked the look of tattoos on other people and I’ve been thinking about if I want a tattoo. I’d love a tiny tattoo somewhere that’s easy for me to look at, but I also want to be able to cover it up sometimes.
    But I can’t come up with something that would be meaningful and I wouldn’t get tired of. That last one is pretty difficult for me. I’m so scared that I will get sick of the tattoo. Once you get it, you’re stuck with it forever.
    So until I’m not sure, I’m going to wait. Maybe I’ll never find something and that’s okay.

  22. I only have 2 tattoos. One I got last week.

    My first tattoo I guess cuz of the meaning. Its my favorit mount from the game I started to play when I was at my lowest. When I started playing that game I befriended alot new people that became very close to me eventuelly I found my now there fiance. Because of these people I turned my life around, moved country to live with the öove of my life and got 3 cats. Thats the reason I got my first tattoo of something from that game the game changed my life.

  23. i would get a tattoo for every anime i love😭 and a paw print of my cat

  24. I wanted a Croatian traditional tattoo for the guy I loved that was Croatian. I wanted the words ‘Blest they, who wear the vital spirit out’ from a poem. I wanted ‘mother chaos’ written somewhere. I mostly wanted poetic words and my personal symbols. But I decided tattoos aren’t really me at all. So I had many of my ideas made as jewellery/pendants etc recently to wear.

  25. I only have one at the moment, it says Mellon in Tolkien’s Elvish script, it means friend. Later this year I hope to get a tattoo related to Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive

  26. Either a phrase in my husband’s handwriting or a fractal I got recently.

    And even though I have six, I’m planning a half sleeve which will likely be my favorite after it’s done.

  27. I don’t have any, but if I could I would like to get some kind of flower tattoo on my back. Probably cherry blossoms because they’re super cute.

  28. I don’t have a tattoo, but as both a suicide attempt survivor and someone who lost a loved one to suicide, I’d love to get a semicolon tattooed to the inside of my wrist. Just as a reminder to keep going on the days when things get hard.

  29. i want to get a snake wrapped around my ankle. i like the look of anklets but I seem to always break them, a tattoo is the next best thing

  30. I don’t have any, but I want to get something like a subtle semicolon, for except big… like planets or animals or something, just more subtle.

    I also kind of want Ellie William’s tattoo from TLOU2

  31. Call it silly but probably a minimal vine tattoo.( not the plant, the app) Mainly because it reminds me of good times.

  32. My family names. My father’s family name on one shoulder, my mother’s family name on the other.

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