Need some help going forward…

Okay, so basically I’ve (M23) been in a long distance relationship for about 5 months. Today she (F20) blocked me for absolutely no reason. This is basically the 4th time she’s done so. I’ve tried to be patient, I’ve tried to be understanding and helpful whenever she needed it, but after today, I can’t. I don’t even know what I did wrong. We didn’t have any arguments, we never really did, we called often and texted, we had fun and interesting conversations.

Thing is, she is a very nice person. But due to her Aspergers, she doesn’t know how to process a few things. Which is fine, I’ve tried my best to be there for her whenever needed. What confuses me, is that today we didn’t really text much. We only exchanged a good morning text, and told her to have a good therapy session. And to slowly open up to her therapist for some of her issues. She is very reluctant to trust people.

But first time she blocked me, it was purely my fault, I can admit to that. Second time she got overwhelmed cause I was having an anxiety attack. 3rd time she was having a difficult time due to stress from college, and I admit to pushing her a bit to tell me what’s wrong, even tho she told me she didn’t want to talk about it. This, I believe while yes I shouldn’t have pushed, my need to help her and make sure she’s okay overcame my sensible thoughts. And today was the 4th time.

But, today was the last straw for me. I tried. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. I ignored my gut telling me I shouldn’t. Because to me, she was worth it. Is worth it. But eh, you win some you lose some I guess.


So, that’s about everything there is to mention. But what I want to know, if she ever decides to message me, should I hear her out? Should I ignore her? I just want to know in order to move forward.

  1. She did it again because when she did it before, you must not have made enough of a big deal about it. If she really likes you, she will stop if you really make this a real issue.

  2. Block her back and move on with your life. She’s acting like a high schooler.

    It doesn’t matter if an argument was your fault or not, blocking your partner is not an appropriate way to deal with it and is what children do

  3. So it’s the “breakup and get back together over and over” game, just with long distance rules instead of the classic rules. Either way, this game sucks.

    The first time she blocked you, should have been a deal breaker. Now that she’s done it multiple times she knows she can keep doing it as a way to manipulate you and you won’t leave because of it.

    You should show yourself some respect and dump this chick, the next time she blocks you, block her back and never unblock her. Her playing this game with you is frustrating to you and a waste of your time.

  4. If she ever decides to message you, tell her that you’re breaking up. This doesn’t work for you and it’s not a relationship you can feel happy and secure in.

    Don’t let it be a negotiation or a debate. This should simply be over.

    Honestly, it should have been over a while ago. The first few months are supposed to be on your best behavior. Her best behavior included a lot of toxic stonewalling. Explanations for her struggles are not excuses.

  5. Stop texting her. Stop talking to her. Stop playing the pick me dance. Go live your life.

  6. Life’s too short for this kinda drama. Block her back and don’t ever unblock her. She is only doing it because she thinks she can get away with it, it’s toxic and childish.

  7. play reggae music and you will be alright in no time that freak girl dont deserve your love maybe shes confused maybe she doesnt love you back the way you do 🤝 Thank me later 😌 im in LDR for almost 4 years you two have to be tough enough to overcome ldr struggles and challenges because at thw end of the day ldr is not easy to handle ☺️

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