Ok so I’m having issues with a bunch of girls. Also, I am a beginner in the dating world.

1.One I went on a date with. She seemed pretty engaged in getting to know each other and getting closer (maybe more than me at first) then the day after I guess she decided we didn’t have similar senses of humor or that I didn’t seem interested or that I was too interested and now we barely talk (even though I try so hard to keep in touch everyday) and she cancels any of my attempts to make plans. Should I confront her about it?

2.Another one again seemed very invested and flirted with me when I sent her pics of me and my pet and I tried keeping the same energy by asking for pics of her and her pet (guess I didn’t flirt fast enough) but then she ghosted me. I tried asking what’s wrong but no answer. I definitely don’t think she’ll text back, but I just want to know what you guys think I did wrong. This all happened over text btw. I got her number in person then we were talking about our pets when this happened.

3.This 3rd one I met at a party and she was the one person there I really got along with and was able to talk to other than my friends. I took her and her friend (another girl) to a Halloween party the next week. I tried to meet her at school (we go to the same university) but she clearly didn’t want to do that and declined all my attempts. I remember there were times I think I should’ve complimented her and tried to but I couldn’t make out the words because there was too much going on at the parties for her to even hear me. Every time I tried texting she’d reply late or leave me on read. Idk about this either but what do u guys think I did wrong.

  1. 1. No, don’t confront her. It’s over, she’s at the very least lost interest. She’s doing the Fade Away.
    2. Don’t ask girls for photos of themselves like that. It sets off alarm bells, even though you obviously didn’t mean it to it did. So much so that she blocked you.
    3. She’s not interested and is also doing the Fade Away,


    2 is cooked, but your only chance with 1 or 3 in the future would be to play it cool and stop messaging them. To some extent they might enjoy the attention you give them while having no intention of dating you. Just make a strong move and stop contacting them. Just act like you’re over it and who knows, they might decide they actually do like you. It’s over for now anyway so it’s the best available option.

    Otherwise keep meeting people. You sound very proactive with your dating life and that’s great. Don’t get too disheartened by all this.

  2. Bro it looks like your texting these girls to much and it sounds like your being too needy man. Like dont even text her ”whats wrong” etc just makes you seem desperate. Act like the price.

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