Ladies, how politically active are you, and what issues are you the most passionate/heated about?

  1. The issues that I’m most passionate about are the ones which most impact the people I love, including queer and trans rights, reproductive rights, and climate action.

  2. I’m not comfortable with going to protests (too many people) and won’t do call volunteering or anything, but I try to use the internet to spread correct information, and I vote. I’m probably most fired up about reproductive and LGBTIA+ rights.

  3. I’m not too politically active in terms of protesting and volunteering, but I do like having in depth discussions about politics. I’m very concerned with issues of race, gender, and sexuality

  4. I’m politically active enough to vote but don’t have very strong feelings on specific issues. If I read through a list though there’s some I probably do feel strongly about but can’t think of any right now.

  5. My Irish, disabled gran had 8 babies by my drunk of a grandad before he finally abandoned her to raise them in poverty. 5 of those babies survived. Three died because they were born preterm due to gran’s disability.

    My Christian mother gave birth to 4 children. During the 4th pregnancy, she and my father discovered in her 7th month that the child had severe spinabifida and a condition that meant the child was missing half of his brain. There was little choice but to terminate the pregnancy. They induced a live birth and she held and blessed the baby until he passed, minutes later. My mom’s nursing team was made up of other Christian women who loudly opposed her choice. While holding her dying baby, my mother hemorrhaged and almost died. No one checked on her until she was unconscious. Years later, she and my father adopted my my two youngest siblings, who are also disabled.

    I became accidentally pregnant in my last year of university. My boyfriend and I explored abortion but ultimately decided to keep the pregnancy. We were in love and we had a shotgun wedding and we are still together 14 years later. My daughter (and her sister) know the full truth of this story, and know of my (and my husband’s) unwavering support on whatever choices they must make in the future.

    I am most passionate on protecting women and girls. I want my daughters to have the same rights, opportunities, and choices I had. I don’t want them to suffer like my gran. I don’t want them to face the judgement and isolation my grieving mother did. The protection of reproductive rights and access to medical care are the issues I vote on.

    I’m in Canada, but I hope today that American women are voting with these priorities in mind. Because the crazies in your country directly inspire the crazies in mine, unfortunately.

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