So I recently had a lot of false memories and worries that I didn’t know were OCD until too late, I confessed them all to my girlfriend and she took it very well and was very supportive during all of it. My problem now is I feel so stupid that I brought it all up because I soon realised it’s all fabricated in my mind and never happened or never happened the way I thought it did. She’s aware of it being OCD now and knows it’s all not true but told me she feels a little down because it was very intense for the both of us. I feel like I’ve changed my perception of myself with her even though she told me none of it matters. How do I get comfortable with the fact I basically had an episode and now feel like a dumbass, I used to be the strong one and now I feel like the weakest of a beautiful pair. I love her very much and she tells me she loves me every day but I still feel guilty for putting her through all this stress.

1 comment
  1. Do you think that your guilt may be another manifestation of your OCD?

    Being vulnerable with your partner isn’t weakness, it’s strength that strengthens your bond.

    Are you currently in counseling for your OCD?

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