What Is Fun Fact About Your Name?

  1. That my mom heard it when her neighbour was calling for her daughter from the window and decided to change a letter and name me…. And 25 years later… we have the same name cause my mom heard it wrong. (She changed the e in her name to i, to be original lol)

  2. The Sarah in the Bible married her half-brother.

    I don’t have a half-brother to marry. Or a whole brother, for that matter.

    I’m thinking of changing my name to Anita Schauer, in fact.

  3. It means beautiful in Arabic, and it makes me bloody embarrassed every time I have to introduce myself to an Arabic speaker 😁

  4. it was supposed to be my eldest sister’s name bc i wasn’t in their plan, apparently lol. in fact, 2 were planned and we’re 5 👀. My mother wasn’t able to name it for her eldest because my grandfather insisted on naming her first grandchild “Catherine”.

  5. My mom named me after the mermaid from the movie Splash! Funny enough before that movie my name wasn’t even considered a name, let alone a girls name, but the movie popularized it.

  6. I’m named after an important Hawaiian flower in my culture and the love story behind it ♡ The noncolonized version of my name also means sky flower which I love!!

  7. I’m named after my nana, not that fun.

    But my middle name comes from Star Trek. My mom wanted to make it my first name but dad told her absolutely not. On one hand I’m glad that I’ve never had to tell people how to say or spell my name, but I do kinda wish I got the more unique one as my first name, which is a really common name.

  8. My middle name is my grandmother’s first name. And I also play her old violin, since her arthritis got too bad for her to play anymore. She first started me on the instrument when I was little, so I have a lot of connections with her. 😊

  9. My parents had to find a new name because they had one but a few month before i was born a child in the house next to us was born with that name. So they quickly had to find a new one

  10. My middle name is after my grandmother. Her oldest brother who was a teen at the time picked the name because he’d dated a girl with it.

  11. I’m named after my grandpa – I have a female version of the name. Also it’s less common one in a pair of two names and people always assume the wrong one (I go by a nickname that works for both names), which is pretty annoying.

  12. My mom picked a different first name for me and my dad said it sounded like a silly hippie name so they compromised on a similar name which I prefer but strangers commonly use my moms OG choice.

  13. Well it’s short and easy to remember so my parents chose it. No special meaning behind it lollll

  14. the accent is on the second syllable, which confuses most people and so they insert random vowel sounds while leaving the accent on the first syllable

  15. My mother met a distant relative with my name as a child and thought she was fabulous so she always wanted to name her daughter the same…bonus it means princess

  16. My mom named me after ‘Hey There Delilah’, and people seem to find it excessively hard to spell

  17. My mama liked her ultrasound tech’s name when she was pregnant with me so that’s what she named me.

  18. My surname means hat maker for nobility and wearing said hat out of nobility was treated like impersonating a policeman

  19. My sister is named Isa and soon after the first princess of my country is named the same. I’m Jose and soon the second princess is named the same yet again. Coincidental but funny

  20. My name was inspired by a popular 80s tv series about a sorta very messed up relationship about a priest falling in love with this girl as she grows up. Messed up nowadays but epic show.

    (Based in the outbacks of Australia, if you know, you know 🥀🕊)

  21. My mom saw it in a newspaper the day I was born, decided she liked it and asked my dad if they could switch up what my name was supposed to be

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