I (19M) have worked a part time job for 4 years ish. Recently I quit that job since i now work full time and go to university. I started my part time job in the same week with a very kind girl. During the 4 years we worked together (once a week) we talked but never really did anything besides work. I would consider her a work friend during this time but have always liked her and respected her for the way she is living life. Beautiful positive attitude mature etc. She in a relationship for a while during the 4 years but broke up around 3 months ago. In the last week of work i added about 80% of my coworkers on social media including this girl. Now that i am away from this job she started messaging me on one of the socials. Since then we talk a lot daily and we even hung out once or twice. My question to all of you is. Should i ask her out romantically? Should i stay friends for a longer while and try later? Or would that risk her getting together with some one else. I have only had one relationship before but my feelings where no where as strong as what i feel for this girl. Any advice is appreciated and i hope you all have a wonderful day!

  1. You have to make this decision. We can’t tell you whether to ask a girl out. You know the potential risks and rewards. Waiting is a bad idea because girls will assume you’re not interested. Make up your mind now and decide if you want to be friends or something else. The longer you wait the less likely it is that she will see you as anything more than a friend.

  2. If you are getting close with her. It’s lit to ask her out between 1-3months. But I would recommend 1 on 1 hang outs first so then you could feel if the connection is there

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