I’m my experiences (F27), nearly every man takes, “Oh, that feels so good” as a request to stop doing what they’re doing that feels so good and do something different. Why?

  1. If PIV, may be because those words inch them closer to the edge so they stop/slow to avoid finishing?

  2. Because most guys think they need to back off and “let it happen” instead of “make it happen”. Also, their partners probably don’t say “keep going” or “don’t stop”. Also, porn is all about showing the actors “getting off” and continued thrusting blocks those moments from cameras. Just tell partners “don’t stop” otherwise a lot of guys who aren’t that skillful at the intuitiveness part of things will do what they assume or have been shown in porn.

    ^(Edit. Grammar.)

  3. Could be a variety of things. Something I use to do was go faster or harder because I thought it would bring them over the edge. But I have soon learned to keep doing the exact same thing. 🤯It takes experience.

  4. Most men change something (speed up, slow down, *something*) when masturbating, right as we hit the point of no return. In the moment it’s easy to forget that most women don’t have a point of a no return and need the same stimulation all the way to the edge.

  5. Maybe because my tongue aches and I literally can’t continue doing that one thing 😂 real talk tho it’s a workout on a muscle I don’t use in that way that often.

  6. The human brain has a hard time holding a negation in mind. If I say “Under no circumstances should you think of a purple rhinoceros with fluffy angel wings!”, what did you JUST imagine?

    For that particular thing, you can help them help them with an affirmative. “Oooh just like that. Same speed, same pressure, keep it exactly like that please”.

    Other than that it might be enthusiasm from knowing you’re close, and a misguided “More is probably better!” not knowing that is actually counterproductive.

  7. Because you need to communicate suuuper clearly and explicitly, they’re not in your body and don’t know how it feels.

  8. Have you asked? Just curious. Seems the proper response is “why did you stop?” and then wait to hear what they say.

    Then you will get the answer and can evaluate their reasoning.

    And they will benefit from it as they seem to need to. Never would I stop if a woman asked me not to. So I have no idea why someone would do the opposite. It is better to ask those who do why they do it.

  9. Because my wife only says that after I have been doing it for so long and I just have to stop before I have a heart attack! Sorry ladies 🙁

  10. A biological urge that drives us to fuck up simple things 😂 it’s not our fault we were made this way

  11. I can’t speak for all guys, but one thing that comes to mind is that some guys may think when she says “Don’t stop!” She is getting close and want to back off as a way if teasing. That’s what I thought at first until a partner told me that when she said to not stop, she meant it. Sometimes you really need to spell it out for some guys.

  12. Tbh everytime I’ve had that happen its because either I physically cannot maintain whatever it is or i literally did nothing different and they say that I did something different.

  13. There are a bunch of reasons but the most common are:

    * physically can’t continue, either because it’d bring them over the edge, or it just hurts (both made worse by the fact they are now actively thinking about what they are doing, or the moaning)
    * have no idea what they were doing in the first place and now that you asked them to not stop they lost momentum and cannot go back to it cause it wasn’t a well thought out technique ^^

  14. So that we don’t blow our load. It’s so hot when a girl says that. My suggestion is to not say anything until you’re actually cumming. We don’t need a warning.

  15. When guys are close, it feels better for us to then speed up/go harder. It’s tough to fight those instincts for your partner, even though it’s becoming more common knowledge that girls mean “stay at this exact motion”

  16. Screw that, if your bell is going to ring and you say so by saying “don’t stop”, hang on kitten cause I’m going to double down and don’t care if I have a heart attack or go blind. It’s on.

  17. I find that when my partner tells me something like that I get in my own head and forget what I’m doing. It’s like saying “think about your tongue”. I was in a trance and suddenly I’m not and my whole body feels like it’s manual.

  18. I think its because sometimes changing stimulation once the orgasm has borderline already started can work super well. But it’s not for people who dont know eachother’s bodily reactions.

    My girl particularly likes me to go so slow its almost imperceptible when she starts to cum. Vibrators let you get away with more of this

  19. Probably because when you say that gets them right to climax and if they don’t you’ll get a cream filling

  20. Depends what they are doing.

    If it’s PIV they are likely about to blow.
    If it MOV then they are just lacking in understanding of female sexual response and defaulting to more = better.

  21. Mam until you’re the one doing 90% of the work in the bedroom you can’t judge. Most of my partners couldn’t even last 5 minutes being on top lmao.

  22. I think it almost adds more pressure ironically? So then some scrabble and do something else

  23. Everytime a women tells me don’t stop I’m gonna cum, it immediately makes me want to cum and I have to stop

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