what makes you successful in life?

  1. When the time you have walking around on this planet feeling good rather than bad is above 50%. You’re successful cabrón.

  2. Accountability, humility, and humor. You will fail at some things, it doesn’t make you less than – just accept and admit you made a mistake, figure out how to do it differently, and find a day to laugh about it.

    Edit: ‘day’ was supposed to be ‘way’, but I forgot to double check before hitting post.

  3. Awareness of your needs, ALL of them, and successfully tending to them, on your own or with people’s help. Reaching balance is extremely difficult.

    You might admire a lot of people who seem to have their shit together until you know them closer and realize they’re just good at making money or having friends and their life is actually a mess.

  4. Statistically

    High IQ.
    Being an asshole.

    Most people hate hearing this, but is empirically true…

  5. What ever makes you successful depends on what you define as success.

    For me it is having a good job that I enjoy and my own place where I can do whatever I want.

  6. Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women.

    Me: Retire early, live where you want and do what you please, leave the world and the people you meet better than you found them.

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