How does one overcome the sheer fear, stigma and terror of going to a mental hospital, and most likely indefinite institutionalization, for severe treatment resistant mental illnesses when he or she is literally considering, willing and making plans to end his own life after struggling for decades?

  1. well if you’re gonna kill yourself, staying alive under any circumstance is a better alternative IMO

    Also mental hospitals are pretty boring. It’s not like “one flew over the cuckoos nest” or anything. Therapy, group sessions, laying in bed, and bad food. There’s a lot of homeless people in my state who check themselves in when the weather’s bad cuz it’s covered under state insurance, it’s not like prison.

    I went in thinking the same thing, was afraid to for years to seek help even though i was suicidal and losing my shit in a pretty violent manner on a daily basis, all kinda fucked up shit going through my mind, i thought “if i ever tell someone how i really feel, they’ll lock me up forever”, and they let me out in a week

    that being said, i find the whole experience a wash. not helpful, not harmful, but if you’re gonna seriously kill yourself and it’s your last straw, it’ll get you a few days where you can’t do that, and have a chance to change your mind and get outta the mindset that got you there. long-term drug treatment has never been my thing, but they drugs they give you while you’re there are pretty good, and even as a paranoid anti-authority person who hates the idea of anyone controlling me, i didn’t feel like they were trying to tame me or brainwash me or anything.

  2. Well .. ask yourself this?

    * Suicide is for self-centered narcisissts that have little regard for the hurt they will inflict on their loved ones; a bitch way out. Is this you?

    If not, get the f over yourself and be grateful you have a roof over your head ..and the internet to rant on .. and a phone .. and all your limbs .. and food to eat .. and all your faculties.

    Straighten yourself out and get the help you need. F the stigma and the fear. This is about you becoming a better version of you. Live to see another sunset.

    [_downvoters .. gfys_]

  3. Nobody appreciates life more than someone on the brink. Get the help, get better, then help others. A thriving life is possible.

  4. 1. It won’t be indefinite. It will be a stay of a few days to get you stable then (depending on the area) will get stepped down to a lower level of care…then a lower level…then an outpatient therapist.

    2. How do you know it’s treatment resistant? A lot of things thar many believe are treatment resistant e.g. schizophrenia are actually quite treatable.

    3. You are worth enough to try EVERYTHING in your power to get through this. Put a note on your calendar for one year from now. Give yourself at least that and then go from there. For a vast majority of people, it does get better.

  5. What kinds of illnesses are you going through? Do the people in your life know what’s going on?

  6. the *fuck?!*

    If this is you, you cpick up the phone, and get yourself o an ER right now. You do not “Overcome” anything, you just get yourself help.

  7. I assume that I’m already strapped down at the mental hospital (possibly screaming at this moment) and all this is my hallucination.

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