Ok so I (26 m)started dating my boyfriend two years ago with the though it wouldn’t last long and would keep me busy while I was working on my self… he is the most amazing man I’ve ever dated and is such a good person. As talk of moving our relationship up come up more and more I’m becoming aware that I am not sure of the future I want with him. I’m afraid I love that he treats me well (past two relationships were very abusive) more than I am in love with him. I feel guilty because I know he is absolutely in love with me and it kills me knowing it’s not equal but I don’t want to hurt him. I’ve hoped my feelings would change over time but it clearly hasn’t. Again I absolutely love him but I can’t get past seeing and feeling it as a fwb. Idk what to do as I feel like I’m in a lose/lose situation. Any advise would be greatly appreciated ❤️

1 comment
  1. Obviously there’s nothing you can do and nothing he can do. You just need to be honest.

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