My family we drink A LOT of tea. Interested to see how normal that is. Do you drink tea? On average how many a day? And for bonus points, what kind of tea 🤔

  1. 0.

    I don’t like tea or coffee and often get looked at as if I just said I drink babies instead.

  2. 2-4 hot drinks a day, 9/10 chance it’s a coffee.

    Seem to be drinking tea more frequently in winter though.

  3. Zero. Really don’t like tea (or coffee for that matter). Some people look at me like I’m deranged when they find out.

  4. 4- 8 mugs of pg tips most days as WFH.
    Strong, milk no sugar. Very rarely have coffee at home but have emergency supply if I need a jolt. Cappuccino or a latte if out.

    If I have more time at the weekend Royal Blend leaves from Fortnum in the tin. Brew, delicious sort of pure tea with a note of malt and honey.

    Rosehip herbal tea sometimes,
    Earl Grey sometimes in the winter,
    Green tea when I feel like it…
    Also drink loads of water

  5. I do my bit for the UK’s tea consumption. I drink 2-3 litres of black tea a day, made with leaf tea. No sugar either – in the quantities I drink it, adding sugar would be most unhealthy.

  6. 3-4 cups of loose-leaf black tea. Depending on what I have bought to drink, Lipton and Taylors of Harrogate English breakfast tea are always on my tea cupboard, while sometimes I would indulge myself with Fortnum & Mason TGFOP Assam.

  7. 3 but I don’t drink regular tea, normally one when I wake up, one like mid afternoon (3pm ish) and then one before bed. Maybe an extra one in there somewhere when it’s rainy and cold.

  8. Me: 3 to 4 cups of Morrisons The Best Chai teabags.
    My mum: 4-5 QT (honestly I could disown her over this. It’s just wrong)
    My dad: 10-15 Yorkshire Tea
    My brother: drinks coffee. I tried to disown him but he won’t leave.

    We are from Manchester.

  9. About 12. Him Indoors has about 15. Tetley, usually, because it’s the only one my local supermarket does in bulk (400-600 bag packs).

  10. Pot in the morning, another 2-3 cups through the day. Normally decaf or herbal later in the day.

  11. 10 to 14 on workdays, 6 to 8 otherwise.

    First two are Rington’s every day tea bags from the Teasmade, the others are Rington’s Valley View loose leaf, or Yorkshire (if someone else in the office is brewing up).

  12. A green tea if i’m feeling really sick, so a few times a year.

    I can’t put milk in tea as it just feels like milky water to me, I don’t really taste regular tea and it doesn’t go with chocolate as much as coffee does.

  13. I probably drink half a dozen cups of black tea a year and when I do it’s usually a darjeeling or earl grey.

    I drink herbal teas most days & have one double espresso in the morning.

  14. 6-8 cups of tea a day either Yorkshire tea or PG-tips depending on the availability of tea bags in the office. Milk no sugar brewed in the XL tea pot we have in the office so milk first in the cup!

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