one guy in particular keeps saying shit behind me in class but whispers it all the time probably hoping he can get away with it too. so i’m not getting too worked up over someone who ain’t brave enough to say it straight to me. what’s the best way to handle it? should i wait until he speaks up and humble him? don’t care if it ends in violence i can kick his ass easily, but i’m just not very confrontational.

  1. Not giving a shit. It”s your hair.

    Also, it’s probably their own lack of self-confidence doing the talking.

  2. I usually confront them alone and talk to them in private. Like try to follow him in the bathroom and close the door. This usually resolves problems.

  3. If I were you I’d just say “rent free” every time it’s brought up. In my experience it pisses people off usually cuz it’s true.

  4. The two easiest ways to deal with it are 1) ignore it and 2) get in on the joke. Both make it boring for the person making the comments, the second has the added benefit of making the other guy look like an idiot. Next time he comments on it, just say “ya, that haircut was a mistake haha” and walk away. It will quickly deflate whatever joke he is trying to make.

  5. Do nothing.

    He’s saying this stuff to get a reaction from you. If you don’t react. Hell get bored.

  6. 100% ignore haha.
    Best way is to just accept it. «Yeah that haircut was shit!» Tell him you agree. It’s only fun if it makes you upset or he/she gets a reaction

  7. I wish ‘rent free’ was something I could have countered with way back when, when it was five versus one (I was the *one*), 8th grade, 1st hour, but it had to do with shoes. I apparently didn’t buy them from the only socially acceptable shoe store in town.

  8. Ignore it dude. Right now because you’re letting it get to you, you are letting this guy have power over you. Think about that for a minute or two. Do you want this guy to have power over you?

    My advice, ignore him. It’s pretty sad and pathetic that he’s wasting his limited time and energy on this planet by mocking your hair, and not even to your face. That’s pretty pathetic of him. Take your power back and ignore him.

  9. Ignore it. Don’t react. If he makes fun of you in front of people, you laugh it off. “Haha, yeah that’s the dumbest haircut I ever had. I don’t know what I was thinking!”

    When you react to verbal bullying, you give them power over you. By not reacting, and indeed showing that you have the confidence and self-assurance to laugh at yourself without being insecure, you put yourself above him. You come across as confident and mature. He comes across as an unpleasant, disrespectful little shit goblin. Bullying and making fun of others can get a few laughs in the moment, but he’s not doing himself any favors as far as being genuinely liked by his peers.

  10. Get some boys. Follow him after school and push him into an ally and give him a smacking. Maybe a little phone smash as a fuck you. Gotto be smart with it though can’t have witnesses can’t have marks on your knuckles. Maybe do it with semi thick leather gloves on or open palm and elbows

  11. If he’s the only one making fun of you it can be traced down to a few possibilities

    He is incredibly inscure and needs to bully to make himself feel better

    He likes your hair and is just jealous yours is better

    He has a crush on you and is a pulling a Helga Pataki

  12. I had a similar problem when I was in school. A guy behind me would just so slightly touch my neck. The same situation, in that I could just easily pound him into submission. After about a week of that, I waited until before class and the teacher was not there. When he sat down, I walked up to him, grabbed him by the throat, and told him “Never touch me again”. He was shocked. That was the end of that.

  13. If you can kick his ass easily i would let him know if he does not stfu there will be consequences to his actions.

  14. If you can kick his ass easily i would let him know if he does not stfu there will be consequences to his actions.

  15. Do nothing. Alternatively, pin him to ground and place your scrotum on his forehead. I believe Teabagging is what the kids are calling it these days.

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