How long would you be able to live without socks?

  1. I could survive the summer, as well as part of the spring and fall by switching to sandals and flip-flops, though I can’t imagine what my poor feet would look like. Come winter, it would be too cold, though if I could wear hose or tights, if that’s allowed, I could mitigate a lot of this and make do.

  2. I would turn my heat up during the winter to keep my feet from turning into ice blocks. Buying socks is way cheaper tho, so I’ll keep doing that.

  3. I wouldn’t, I’d have to have three or four pairs of shoes because I can’t imagine how bad they would smell after having my bare feet in them all day. They’d need to air out between uses.

    Also, I have a serious stockings kink.

  4. I’d be fine until I left the house. I can’t stand wearing any kind of shoes without socks, even sandals.

  5. 50 weeks a year. I live in a subtropical climate zone, we don’t need anything but sandals, honestly.

  6. Quite a while. I wear slippers at home, and I live in Florida so I’m still wearing open toed shoes pretty much every day.

  7. Well I work from home and live in a place where it never gets cold now. So I can wear flip flops out year round and I don’t wear them in the house anyways. So always. Working out would be the only problem, I don’t want to sweat directly in my shoes, would feel gross and they’d smell worse.

  8. Merely alive? The rest of my natural life span, I suppose.

    Happily alive? Maybe ten minutes. I *really* like socks.

  9. A long time, but it wouldn’t be great. Minnesnowtan with poor circulation here… I need good socks to keep my tootsies warm.

  10. Very happily. I switch to all shoes and have given up socks and haven’t worn them in the last five years 🙂 and I live in a climate that’s very cold in winter

  11. Not even a day. I hate wearing sandals and there is no way I’m raw dogging my feet into a pair of sweaty, dirty shoes.

  12. For the rest of my life, given not wearing socks wouldn’t kill me and since they don’t support my life. Although it’s nice not to get blisters when wearing wellingtons (it rains a lot where I live)

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