I thought I can finally get over her but it just hurts even more. I keep on thinking to myself “she’s not gonna change her mind, she doesn’t like you, she never will, and she’s never going to.” To then thinking about the good times we hanged out and how wonderful it would’ve been if things did worked out. I still like her and I think she still likes me or is still giving those hints and it just really hurts and sucks that I’m being this serious about it when it’s probably just very stupid

  1. Because you’re not dating other people and moving on.

    You’re only sabotaging yourself here man. Whilst she is probably having fun with her friends or whoever.

  2. I am in the same boat brother, mine dumped me after 9 months, me supporting her through her issues, loving and supporting her and making sure she was ok as possible when her mother way dying in the hospital and when she did pass, and as the cherry on top going out on an amazing date that ended in making out an amazing sex just to be dumped the next day and told she already has my replacement. Its hard as hell, hurts alot, you question every single thing you’ve done and wonder what ifs. Time heals all wounds but it WILL hurt for awhile. Tough it out and surround yourself with people that care and things you enjoy to make it easier till your ok. I wish you luck my friend.

  3. Give it time

    You’re heartbroken

    I’ve experienced heartbreak too. It’s very painful & can feel like you’ll never overcome it

    But give it time. Feel whatever you need to feel, acknowledge your feelings

    One day, the pain and longing you feel will only be a memory

  4. It hurts, I know. I’ve been there more times than I like. But at least I was in love. Better to have love then lost to have never loved at all. Is the saying anyway. But life does go on. No she won’t change her mind, she’s gone. Don’t even think about that scenario. I’ve had that too, thinking they will text or call, tell you they made a mistake and they’re sorry. But no, it doesn’t work out that way. You WILL be OK. In time.

  5. At times like these it’d be nice if you can find a different hobby or make some male friends to hang out with. Since bros never lives you unlike girls. Even gaming sounds great.

  6. Yess. I know whatyou feel. It hurts like hell. Find new hobbies and crush. Please move on. She doesn’t like you. If she does you’ll be together

  7. I know exactly what your going through because I’m going through the same thing with a girl I’ve know for years but she wants to be just friends I’ve tried liking other girls but it’s like my heart just wants her we still have fun when we hang out but inside I want to be more then friends with her

  8. I feel you on this, happening now. It’s hard not to think about it but I try not to let the negative thoughts consume my time and bog me down. Try to focus on the present, do things you enjoy and work on being a better you. If she want’s to be with you she would. Don’t chase someone who won’t chase you. It hurts like hell but don’t let this consume you, you’re better than this. I believe in you, many people go through this and you will make it too. Be strong, and make her regret it by being the best you that you can be.

  9. Just stop giving a fuck about someone who wants to walk away from you. It doesn’t worth your energy and pain. I know it’s hard to let go of someone you love but with time you will eventually heal. Don’t think about the good times with her because it only make you feel more sad , just think about the bad times, her selfishness,her flaws, her drama to help you let go of her. Remember that people come and go in your life but the right one will always stay

  10. Wish I could help but I would stay with someone who has been there when I was at my lowest chose to stay regardless. But if you know that they showed you how to respect and value each other or yourself more than before and at the moment of breaking up how does it end are you in a better place or worse place that would mean that if you’re in a better place there was growth measure the growth and if it’s worth I will try to keep trying I will go on and on but you know what I mean

  11. That’s why we have to learn to let go by doing the right thing the right choices we cannot hold on to grudges resentment and try to move out of a relationship without healing first even the choices are made after listening to your but she’s doing what is going on should not matter what matters is was there true feelings or not was there trust or not trust is being able to let someone do anything and everything they want and being okay with it and if you’re able to do that you’re able to do anything it takes strength work mind and soul and even someone who thinks you’re weak to show you a lot and some of his strong can show you a lot of weaknesses

  12. It just takes time. It doesn’t help to hear, and there is no solution. The only good advice is if you can try to keep yourself busy.

  13. I’m going through the same thing rn and I basically just told her I need space because it’s causing me to much pain . My own expectations were killing me slowly but with space and no contact I’m able to think of other things and occupy myself instead of constantly waiting for her affection . Trust me tell her you need a break and if you guys really do love eachother you’ll come back for eachother when the time is more right . Right now obviously isn’t that time or you wouldn’t be in so much pain and confusion . Take some time and get your stuff together and maybe just maybe the universe will bring her back to you in the ways you want

  14. don’t think about what ifs. it will only make things worse for you . What if I said this – what if I did that – u can do that all day and it wouldn’t change a thing . sometimes she doesn’t really see you as anything more than a friend , sometime she doesn’t want to cut you out completely because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings . If a person want to be with you , they will do everything they can to make you feel the same way about them . If you sitting there thinking she giving you some type of hint then be a man and just confront her face to face so you don’t have to sit there and play scenarios in your head . I think you just want some closure – but honestly girls don’t like to say out right why they don’t like you because they don’t want to be the bad person . sometimes they can just stop liking you because they see something that turns them off . it could simple as the way your breath smell . Find a new girl and put all your energy into suiting her instead . I once wasted all my years in high school because I was head over heals for this one chick that only see me as a friend – I refuse to give up thinking it’s just like a movie , she’ll like me one day if I’m persistent – no bro that shit doesn’t work in reality . I wasn’t a bad looking dude , there were other girls making advances on me but I’m here thirsting for some chick that is friendzoning me . man all those other opportunities I missed out in high school . everyone was dating and enjoying their teen years while I’m at home playing games day dreaming about that chick . if I ever go back in time I slap myself in the face .

  15. We’ve all been there bud. Best advice I can give you is that everything fades with time. Wounds heal even if they leave behind scars. Worst thing you can possibly do is keep the wound open by picking at the scab or going back to the dangerous object that wounded you in the first place. Treat your mind like you do your body, take care of it, nurture it, don’t beat it up or let problems go unchecked.

    Mental health is just as much if not more important than physical health. My last relationship put me on anti depressants and, honestly, they changed my life for the better. I needed them before the relationship, and the love and affection were a decent substitute, but there is no substitute for a permanent or at least sustained correction to a chemical imbalance in your brain. Just like you wouldn’t use heroin to kill the pain of a broken leg without first going to a doctor and getting a cast, don’t use love as a crutch.

    Edit; sometimes crying until you can’t cry anymore can make you feel a hell of a lot better. Don’t keep it inside if its screaming to get out. Bottling shut up even a little is only going to make the pain worse.

  16. She doesn’t love you because if she love you she’ll stay around you and you’ll be together in any situation, men are so trying in this life because men is the person that’ll find food for the family and you can find another person thallium be with you and who’ll like your work and the personal that’ll be honest with you, because you need a woman that’ll love you and who’ll love your work, I’m talking about the person that’ll appreciate little things that you do for her, keep moving man never give up 💪

  17. “What a loss to spend that much time with someone, only to find out that she’s a stranger.”
    Quote from one of my favorite movies.

    Now, let me try to give you some advice kiddo.
    Start working on yourself and stop bothering with her. No girl want a sad sob. Once you work on yourself psychically and mentally, girls will come naturally.

  18. I still feel that way and we are coming up on a year. I can always have hope. I also keep actively seeing others to try to move on.

  19. The hardest part is accepting that the future you created in your mind will never happen. But, that leaves room for a future that will be even better.

    You should follow a no contact rule. Trust me, I know that is hard. [no contact rule](https://youtu.be/PKj2E6Besnc)

  20. 1. Best thing to do is cry as hard as you can now, let it wash over you and don’t hold anything back.

    2. Don’t talk to her anymore, there was a time where you lived life without her right? Remember that once you can’t cry anymore.

    3. Dating after is up to you, discover yourself again and do things you enoy on your own. Learn to turn loneliness into solitude if you’re feeling that way

    4. [Watch this video as it helped me out too.](https://youtu.be/9mbp0DugfCA)

    I’ve been there myself, good luck

  21. Heartbreak doesn’t get easier.

    I’m 31 and going through it over someone from back in June. Sucks. I know it’ll fade with time… probably a lot of time in my book, but it fades…

  22. Happens to everyone and eventually it passes. First few months it’ll suck, trust me. Went through terrible heartbreak last year.
    Even the tiniest fucking things will remind you of them. But it’ll numb in time, you probably won’t completely forget her and thats not a bad thing, but it won’t hurt anymore at least.
    Just whatever you do, do NOT reach out in the coming months. That’ll give you the best chances of her coming back while also letting yourself heal at the same time.

  23. Same thing happened to me and it hurt so bad

    Girl ghosted after 4 dates

    I was casually talking to a friend that I am single and want to date someone, she suggested her friend basically best friend is single and she might go out. My friend hooked us up and I texted her for the first date it was kind of blind date. We met and it was fun she was amazed and excited meeting me , we spent 4 hrs together. She sent me text afterwards like she had fun and looking forward for the next meet. Then I went out of town for two weeks , we texted on and off during that time.

    I came back and ask her to go out to park for an event and i also invited out mutual friend and her kids. It was so much fun we chatted around 4 hrs then decided to go out for dinner.

    I picked her and We went couple of restaurants and bars had a wonderful time. Then we kissed in my car and making out she was so much into me she was i like you so much n all . Then we went to my house and hooked up couple of time then i dropped her.

    Next day I invited her for dinner and she said yes. We spend 4 hrs talking and making out and had dinner.

    We texted few days then i ask if she would like to meet after work – she said she cant tonight , said sorry.

    Then there was no communication for 4 days then I ask how she doing and the. Couple text and Invited her to go to a new restaurant in the town and she didn’t respond for day and next day she is like she is having a fever and she cant make it but there was no proposal for rescheduling or something.

    Then couple days later i asked her how is she doing n all we chatted a bit she was interested in what i was doing that in the festival i went . The radio silence for a week.

    I met with mutual friend and told her the story and she was like she likes you n all but i messed telling her all details like i hooked up with her n all . I should have not said that. She def told her what i was thinking but i was trying to say we had good time and now she is distant i dint know why .

    After that a week later i invited her to an event and she said she is still under the weather she has to take raincheck and she is sorry I didn’t respond to her last text as i felt its a game over and I can’t just keep hanging on to it where there is no end as she never said will do something once she feels better . Sorry to say looks she is bs with excuses

    At this point its been a week no contact . I am moving on but i think i damage my reputation with my friends by telling her details but she was cool with it when we are talking . But my friend (not close just i know her for couple of months) she never reached out to me about what happen to her .

    I really like her but suddenly she turned off when I invited her to meet in evening she might thought booty call but my intention was not that she was in my house couple days back and we just released before the invitation.

    My head puzzled what happen but yeah later i goofed up more .

  24. Alright so from a psychological standpoint it’s because you have so many ideas about her and your relationship together that it’s hard for your brain to fully accept the reality. However I know that’s not what your looking for, based on your replies I’m guessing she is a friend that you asked out who said no, I was there very recently I know how it feels I get it, I’ll say this flat out, she doesn’t like you, and based on what I’m looking at I don’t think she ever did, when you like someone it’s very easy to look at the small things they do and take it as them liking you as more than just a friend. Here’s what I’ve done in my situation and what I would personally do in your situation, I don’t know how close you two were but at least for me she was one of my closest friends, if you still want to be friends with her then it’s best to just be up front and honest, ask her how she feels about the situation, ask if she thinks anything has changed between you two, what I will say is that you two still being friends will rarely be bad unless one of you believe that the relationship has changed significantly, things will feel awkward at first but will get better as long as you both stick with it and keep being friends, and eventually you two will just become closer friends as a result and you’ll both look back on this as something to laugh about. Being open really is key here, make your intentions to remain friends clear and if she does not think things have changed significantly moving forward as friends will be a good option. In terms of getting over her and accepting that you won’t be together, I don’t really know how to help, everyone processes things a bit differently, personally I accepted it real quick which helped speed up our process of repairing our friendship, but not all people can get over things as quickly as I do and the time I asked her out was a time where I was in a weird mental state where I kind of just didn’t care about anything.

  25. I just recently got over a friend I fell in love with, it sucks, it fucking hurts but when that feeling is gone, it’s the best feeling ever. Getting over her is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life, I thought about her all the time, when I ate, when I slept, when driving, she would be in my thoughts when I did everything, I even thought that I was getting obsessed with her, I knew she didn’t like me or care about me as much as I cared about her but I still tried to talk to her everyday and to do nice things for her hoping she’d change her mind but that hurt me even more. I just decided to stop texting/checking up on her and weeks later when she never hit me up to see how I was doing, I finally realized that there was absolutely nothing I could do about the situation, if a “friend” never checks up on you even though you did it all the time then that person isn’t really a friend, that moment made me get over her completely.

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