what non physical trait/detail makes another man seem intimidating/menacing to you?

  1. If they’ve done serious prison time for something like manslaughter, for example. Even if they’ve changed and found God or whatever they still have it in them.

  2. When you say “non-physical” do you mean not visible?

    Or just not directly relating to their body (shape/height/weight/decoration/whatever)?


    If the latter, how they move. Where their eyes go, what their gaze lingers on. Shifty, is the word on my mind.


    If the former? I dunno.

    I guess if he told me he and his buddy were wanted men, and he had the death sentence on 12 systems I’d be a little cautious.

    Unless I had an elegant weapon for a more civilized age with me, of course.

  3. An extreme lack of energy, or zero attempts to *be* intimidating. I’ve lived life enough to know that the really calm ones snap the most explosively.

    My ex’s father was one of these people, and it’s the biggest reason I never FAFO. I have seen someone who did fuck around, though.

    They did, in-fact, find out.

  4. 1. Men with nothing to lose, they are unpredictable and irrational.
    2. Men (usually impoverished) who value “respect” over everything else. Because their definition of respect or disrespect is in their own head and you could accidentally cross that imaginary line with no warning that you are getting close. Those types of guys usually fall into my point #1 too.

  5. Teardrop tattoo. You’re a very special kind of violent and stupid combined to get one of those. Avoid at all costs.

  6. Being very observant. Watching everyone else like a hawk, making quick and correct observations about others behaviors and intentions. Carefully picking his words to get the responses he wants.

    Key signs of someone who can manipulate with ease.

    Unfortunately, these are also all the signs I find attractive as fuck… Hah.

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