Long story short; We have been married over 10 years and we have 2 kids. I recently found out my husband is having an affair with someone he first talked from reddit, and then they kept talking on other platforms, phone calls, messages or video chats. They never met in person. He did send her money without me known.

1; I want to know how real people are here?

2; What should I do? I never thought he could be a type of guy who cheated in the marriage but it happened

  1. Not very real this is open forum and most likely the chats were done overseas. Say bye bye to that money.

    A frank and open conversation and therapy.

  2. 1) I’m real.

    2) Either marriage counselling or divorce.

    I’m sorry this has happened to you, cheating is such bottom barrel scum shit. The fact he’s been sending her money that could be invested into your family makes it all the more horrible

  3. Emotional affairs are horrid. Can you see chats from his phone and computer for evidence? Sit and have a serious talk with him about you boundaries, feelings and concerns. Perhaps even marriage counseling and individual for you. If he further shows disrespect, devalues you, is inconsiderate and uncommitted to your marriage. Contact a divorce attorney for your options.

  4. Sorry this happened to you. Ask what he gets out of it. Ask why this is more important than his marriage. Ask why this is more important than his family. Ask why he would spend money on someone rather than his family. Ask why he knows this deliberately hurts you yet he does it. How it hurts the family yet he does it. Know your boundaries and values. Tell them to him. He needs ic to figure this. Be strong. Best wishes

  5. This is one of my biggest fears 😢, there has been various kinds of things similar to what you are explaining and I worry it’s occurring again . I have little bits of evidence , but I am not the type to make baseless allegations. Before when “I thought” it was happening it was just not in the way I thought . I did not divorce him, nor would I but I’m still feeling the pain of the attention he gave to other women. I think serious counseling for you two is in order.

  6. Im sorry about this. Your husband is wrong for simping for a strange woman and sending her money (if he did in fact do that) considering yall have a family. Can’t believe a man would do that sort of thing.
    Try to talk to him in a calm manner and ask him why? Why did you feel attracted enough to this person to take food out your kids’ mouths.

  7. Yikes! That is an emotional affair but the sending her money is insult on injury. Most regulars on Reddit are real life people. Sure it has bots but no bot is going to get in an emotional affair with your husband. Could it be a cat fishy scammer? Maybe but the most likely situation is he is having and emotional and financial affair with a real person. Up to you what you do about it but that would be a hard line for me. Unless you leave or seek couples counseling I don’t see how this ends well for you. Emotional affairs are like a testing ground before they become full on physical affairs unless this gets quashed now.

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