This summer in vacation I met a guy, I just knew him for a week but we were hanging out all the time and it felt like a relationship. Now after almost 5 months I can’t get him out of my head, we are not in contact, I tried to but he seems to not be interested. I feel pathetic because I don’t even know him, but from what I saw, I could see myself with him, I sounds weird but I really cared for him, and my feelings are still very strong. I have only been in one short relationship in my life, but he ended up being an asshole and I didn’t even like him that much. I never find guys that I’m attracted to so when it happens, and they they leave I’m devastated. In my mind I feel like I’ll never find someone like him, and that makes me miserable.

I feel sad, and I don’t want to anymore. I have to get on with my life but I don’t know how. Please do you have any advice?

  1. Damn, same position except I’m the dude in the situation. Strange too, I hardly knew her at all, she didn’t give me the time of day when trying to get close to her, each time I just lost patience and we fell off. She always matched my behaviors but as soon as I would directly talk to her she’d act like I didn’t exist. She’s probably only the 2nd person I’ve been enamored with in my life, she’s so goofy and I’ll miss her a lot.

  2. You’re missing an idealized version of this person and picture of a future that never existed. I’d look at why you’re pedestalizing this person and the connection (outside of feeling like you haven’t had equivalent dates) and work on taking him off of the pedestal. No one can live up to the handsome foreign stranger that you spent so little time with you can’t possibly even have gotten to know them on a deep and intimate level. Anyone can seem like the one when we’re able to project what we hope they’ll be onto them.

  3. You could try making new friends and see if you run into someone you like? Like if you are into gaming, or sports, I recommend friends from those circles and branching out 😀

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