So basically, a day ago or so my friend’s boyfriend fell down a flight of stairs, broke his skull and suffered 2 brain bleeds. From everything she’s said it’s really serious and by the numbers he’s got about a 40% chance of living 🙁

Our friendship hasn’t been the best for the last like one and a half years because honestly her boyfriend was abusive, an addict, and I even went to the police (she didn’t know that part.) And then recently, she owed me money from years ago that I brought up due to debt collectors harassing me over the issue… idk, it just hasn’t been the best. That said, I believe he has been clean, and their relationship better… and we’ve been friends for over 10 years, she’s not even a friend to me at this point I truly view her like a sister..

None of that bullshit feels important right now though, I just want to be there for her but I’m not sure how, I’ve offered company, lookin after her cat if need be, but I don’t know what else to do. Any suggestions would be very welcome, she’s more of an independent type and has denied company. I just don’t want her to feel alone, I think I’m her only friend at this point

Any suggestions very welcome, thank you

  1. You’re a kind soul.

    I’d offer to do the cat, bring her a change of clothes and some food if she’s sitting vigil at the hospital. And then just….listen.

  2. I hope he’ll be ok.

    Do small things to help her that don’t require anything from her.

    Gift cards for dinner, Starbucks cards. Drop a love gift off at her house. Offer to go to the hospital with her….even if you wait outside of the room, it will be a comfort.

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