I’m M(21), currently a junior in college, and in the past year I’ve been having casual dates, but recently I wanna try something more serious like a committed relationship. So in the past months, I went on dates with a couple of girls, and unfortunately ended up all failed.

Somehow these dates all very similar —

1.) all went pretty well on first dates, and in most cases, they suggested or implied that they want a second date right before first date ends;

2.) they all complimented my appearance in some ways, like saying I have cute hair, etc

3.) during second dates, usually went pretty well too. And even at end of second dates, they implied that they want to see me again (like saying maybe you can meet my cat/dog, etc)

4.) however, these dates all ended after second date ends. After second date ended, we all got home. I texted to see if they got home okay, and then they all started to replying text late, and after a while (a day or two), they told me that they think we don’t have a lot of things in common/don’t feel a click/conversations kind of sparse…

So I just wonder how these potential relationships all failed at some point after second dates. It is because I’m not attractive enough physically? Then why did they want to see me the second time (in some cases they even offer to pay on first dates/split the bill)? What did I do wrong as i was always rejected shortly after second dates end.

Thank you so much for your time reading this and advice!!

  1. There is no telling, and probably just a coincidence all are similar.

    try not to take it personally, apparently their interest was not high enough. that’s okay because you are looking for someone w strong interest in you and they weren’t it.

    keep looking, and you will find someone.

    Btw- what kind of dates were they? if they were just dinner it may not have been exciting enough. for early dates find fun, entertaining things to do together that you can talk about later.

  2. >they told me that they think we don’t have a lot of things in common/don’t feel a click/conversations kind of sparse…

    You’re not doing anything “wrong”. You went out with women who didn’t click with you.

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