We’ve been together for 2 years, and we haven’t had sex for 3 months, he said it’s because of his school and he has a lot of pressure, but from the first 6 months of the relationship that wasn’t a problem, he blames me for thinking only about that, He asks me to give him time, I gave him 3 months!!!!! , I think it’s selfish of him because he doesn’t think about my needs, I don’t think it’s fair to me, but I love him very much, I had a toxic relationship that lasted 12 years, I promised not to let someone make me feel less, and I’m living it again, but I really don’t know what to do. I apologies for my bad english it’s not my first language

TL,Dr: my boyfriend is no longer sexually attracted to me

  1. Talk to him again, but without pretense, but calmly about your needs and find out what the reason is.
    Maybe school and a lot of pressure is just an excuse, but in reality there is something deeper.
    Tell him about your feelings and that you want to support him. Talk to him.
    Good luck!

  2. Sounds to me like communication needs to happen, you need to express to him on your deepest level what your problem is and what your needs are, ask him what you can do to make him interested, after that if nothing is resolved then you need to realize that it is OK to leave due to sexual incompatibility, which is what this is

  3. You call him selfish, but so are you.. you sound like you are trying to manipulate him into having sex with you.. just leave and find someone else who doesn’t have so much going on in their life and can give you what you want. Never coerce people to give sex if it’s not given freely

  4. So I worked 16 hours a day in a kitchen and had the same issue last thing I had on my mind was sex when I toned back the hours my sex drive came back so it very well could be the same for him like others have suggested sit and talk with him & communicate that you both have needs and they are clearly different at this time.

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