Recently drank an imported can of Dr.Pepper, Imagined it would have tasted spicier given the name. Had me thinking though, are strongly spiced commercial soft drinks a thing in the us? Although it’s owned by the Coca-Cola company, I don’t think brands like Stoney have a foothold in the us.

  1. Goya makes a ginger beer that’s fairly gingery, and has capsicum extract. I’m sure there are spicier out there, but I don’t drink soda, so I don’t know what they would be.

  2. Probably one of the boutique rootbeers. For a maintstream option Barq’s tagline is “Barq’s rootbeer has bite”.

  3. We don’t drink spicy drinks in general.

    Gingerale is the closest you get imo, and even there, it should be specialty sodas instead of huge brands, which use much more sugar and which don’t taste as strongly of ginger. If you get those kinds, it tastes of freshly grated ginger, which is a spicy though not in the way pepper is.

  4. Ginger beer probably. Reed’s is the biggest brand, and lots of bars keep it on hand for mixing Moscow Mules.

  5. Never heard of Stoney.

    Like some other people have said, ginger beer is probably going to be the spiciest soda you can find. Though it’s a different “spice” than pepper, and not as readily available as cola, lemon-lime, ginger ale, root beer, etc.

  6. That assumption was misplaced.

    >Alderton was a pharmacist at Morrison’s Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas and mixed the unique tasting drink after experimenting with many blends of fruit-based flavors. His boss, Wade Morrison, named the drink after his first employer, **Dr. Charles Pepper** of Rural Retreat, Va.

    It was named after a person, not a plant. Soft drinks are generally sweet.

  7. Spiced beverages are kind of a niche thing in the US. They’re out there, as other posters have mentioned, but there aren’t any big national brands that are widely available.

  8. Pop (“sodas”) is/are not “spicy”. The closest thing you might find would be Vernor’s ginger ale. You’re not from Michigan, so your 1st few drinks will probably choke you. The ginger is strong with this one.

  9. spicy in the US usually refers to the burning sensation in foods, and not how many spices it contains.

    Root beers tend to have a strong spiced flavor but a bit more on the medicinal side. Ginger beers have a lot of ginger flavor which has a burning sensation.

  10. Mt. Dew had a “Flamin’ Hot” version that was somewhat (hot) spicy. Moxie (elixir similar to Dr. Pepper found in the NE) has a fairly strong herbal flavor that might count.

  11. If you’re looking for pure heat level Mountian Dew (of course Mountian Dew would make this….) made a Flaming Hot Cheeto flavor as a limited run that’s apparently pretty hot. But if you’re looking for something you can find regularly on the shelves any good quality ginger beer made with real ginger will meet your requirements.

  12. Buffalo Rock. It’s pretty much only sold in Alabama, but it’s deliciously spicy ginger ale.

  13. Mr. Pibb / Pibb Xtra is labeled as a “spicy cherry soda.” It actually is sort of a competitor to Dr Pepper, although the taste is somewhat different.

  14. There’s a ginger ale, Red Rocks if I remember correctly, that has a bit of pepper to add to the ginger kick.

  15. I don’t think I’ve ever had a spicy soda…. “Dr Pepper” is named after a doctor. Haha

  16. Blenheim’s Ginger Ale, the red capped “hot” variety. Small company in South Carolina. By far the spiciest soda I’ve ever tasted.

  17. Not sure if you mean spicy like with spicy food or if you mean a strong flavorful taste.

    Someone else mentioned Vernors since it is a ginger based pop but you could also try Faygo brand Rock n’ Rye which has real sarsaparilla in it which gives it it’s extremely wild flavor. Nothing else tastes like it.

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