I have a crush on this guy who is a year younger than me. But I have not been able to gather courage to talk to him. I don’t know if I have inferiority complex or anything, but I somehow feel he won’t like me or will find me boring if I try to make a conversation with him. Also he seems out of my league. All my friends have tried to make me talk to him but I get all shy and ignore him. Do you guys have any tips on how to solve this problem of mine?

  1. Girls need to understand : you have the power in the dating market. Let me explain : if a guy wants to date a girl, he has a huge chance to gets rejected. But if a girl wants to date a guy, she has a huge chance to gets a yes.

    So go talk to him, show him you’re interested, maybe ask him if he wants to get a coffee with you ?

  2. You’re young but with age you’ll realize it’s no big deal to talk to people you like. It’s actually fun and easy. It’s the people you don’t like that get a little hard.

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