Its so weird.

I have had several long term relationships, and plenty of short term/ONS. But this girl is the best sex of my life, and its not even remotely close.

the sex is so. fucking. good. But, the thing is, as we are having sex, i enjoy it so much i kinda feel angry? Or idk, it feels so primal. Everything goes on autopilot. My body just takes over. I think alot of dudes, myself included, do the hairpulling and choking etc. because we wanna *seem* assertive and sexy in bed and please the girl. But with this girl it just happens on complete autopilot. I am clenching my teeth and sliding my fingers in her mouth and do all these things ive never done before, but without giving a single fuck about why im doing it.Its this weird fucking combo of pulling her hair and head back just to look her in the eyes, like im trying to tell her with my eyes that shes mine and just stopping in the middle and just admire the mere presense of this goddess. I dont feel like hurting her or anything, but I do feel almost violent.

Does this mean i have some weird issues? Its not broke as she says its the best sex of her life, so i dont think i wanna fix it, but if no one can relate i might have to look into it. It feels amazing tho

  1. Some women are like that, but just be careful because sometimes it can mean they have some other deep-seeded issues. In my case, the woman I dated used her willingness to do anything to exert an overall control over the rest of the relationship, almost like blackmail if she didn’t get what she wanted outside of the bedroom.

    If that isn’t the case with your relationship though, as long as she is alright with everything you’re doing and you’re not injuring her in any way or actually thinking about *doing* harmful things, then it should be fine.

    There is one drawback however, and I actually just wrote a post about it earlier today. If you break up with this girl, you are going to seek out this sort of sexual relationship with other women and not many of them, at least from my experience, are into it. It has the potential to make the sex life in future relationships less than fulfilling if that element of domination is not present. So in both aspects of this sort of sexual activity, just be careful and understand that if you break up with her, there can potentially be long-term consequences.

  2. Not weird at all. You guys have sexual chemistry and great attraction, it’s a lovely thing. My boyfriend and I are the same way. Sometimes he looks like he wants to actually eat me and I love it. Don’t feel weird, embrace it and have fun

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