Women of reddit, how far do you go to keep track of your partners whereabouts and activities when he/she is not around?

  1. Not much. My husband and I update each-other where we are through out the day. I don’t ask, he just lets me know and vice versa

  2. I don’t track him at all. In fact I often forget when he tells me what his plans are for the day, and have no idea where he is even if he said previously he’d be working/shopping/visiting his mum etc.

  3. I dont, i trust him he trusts me. If i want to know i ask but i usually know where he is anyway, work, friends house, parents house, shops

  4. I don’t. If my partner tells me he is going to be somewhere or doing something, I trust his word. If I have to go digging its probably a sign of some deeper rooted issues.

  5. I don’t at all. My exes and I would often tell each other what we were up to, but because we’d be texting and that was part of the conversation.

  6. I don’t really track his whereabouts, but if he’s out, I’ll often send him a message asking if he’s okay, if he’s having fun, what time he’ll be back so I know when to start dinner, etc.

  7. The only time I call is if my husband is running more than 2 hours late, or we need to do something for our son. Then I’ll give him a call to make sure that something didn’t happen.

  8. “how far do I go to keep track of my partner”

    I don’t. It’s my girl, not a dog. “Tracking” your partner just creates unnecessary jealousy and unhealthy relationship.

    But I do pet her from time to time. 🙂

  9. what? i never did and never will. seriously, if i don’t trust my partner enough to not have to track them, that relationship is pointless.

  10. I ask what he has been up to during the day before I go to sleep. That’s about it. It’s his decision what he wants to share.

  11. Only up to the point of practicality. To make sure we don’t accidentally abandon our kids, or if their day takes them on route to a store to get food and such. And I show interest (though half the time I forget what they’re doing, but I try)

  12. I didn’t. But I do expect him to tell me if he’s working late or planning to go out after work or things like that.

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