Something happened during the deed and near the opening of my vagina had a small hole (i haven’t seen it, my bf looked at it for me). It bled a bit and it’s been at least a month but i can feel slight pain during sex and being fingered. Should I visit the doctor? Im hesitant because my primary doctor shamed others for sex, i guess. I don’t feel comfortable going to her and will be going to a new one if I do visit the doctor.

  1. Is there any swelling? If it’s a serious cut, the area will usually swell up and get inflamed. There might be pus as well.

  2. I’m not sure what age you are, but if you’re old enough to be engaging in sexual activities, you’re old enough that you should be seeing a gynecologist for yearly checkups.

    I have NEVER encountered a gynecologist that would shame a woman for having sex. They would quickly find themselves out of work.

    If you’re ever concerned about your health, you shouldn’t be afraid to get checked out by a doctor. Search for a gynecologist and get examined.

  3. You need to see a doctor. That is unacceptable that a doctor would shame you for having sex. WTF

  4. Is it an actual hole or cut? If it’s a hole it might be a fistula. Probably not, but definitely go to the doctor!

  5. Nothing that lasts over a month should be considered “minor”. I’m sorry your doctor shamed you, that’s on them for being unprofessional. Do seek a different doctor, preferably a gyno.

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