Gentlemen, what is a scene from a movie that you find unsettling/disturbing?

  1. There’s a movie from the 80’s called The Entity. It’s about a woman who is being sexually assaulted by a poltergeist. It is not subtle, at fucking all, so almost every scene disturbs me. But the worst are when she’s trying to explain what happened to her doctors and they treat her like she batshit.

  2. That scene in that one movie ‘Kids’ where the dude rapes the passed out girl on the couch and ends up with HIV. Took that VHS out of the VCR and smashed it.

  3. I saw Titanic with my mom in the Theaters and I was 17. “Draw me like one of your French girls” was pretty awkward in the moment.

  4. The scene in “Law Abiding Citizen” when the fluids get switched in the execution, for some reason that made my skin crawl in the theater

  5. Any scene where a woman is raped or tortured. Why does that shit need to be in any movie?!

  6. Brokeback Mountain really did it for me. I cried all night. The agony the loneliness of two guys separated by death. The despair and emptiness, the pain and anguish of one being left alone. Sure he had his wife, but his friend was gone. The only guy he could relate to and express himself with , was gone.

  7. In the Goblet of Fire, when Dumbledore grabbed Harry and asked “Did ya put your name into the fire?”
    This manner was totally out of character for both the book and movie Dumbledore..

  8. I can’t remember the name of the movie . . . A man awoke inside a coffin. I remember these men asking him for information – which he wouldn’t divulge. Next thing, sand began seeping in through a small hole at his feet, slowly filling the coffin.

    He believed he was going to die and phoned his wife to say his final goodbye. Then the sand swallowed his struggling frame.

    It then turned out to be a set-up. He was pulled free from the coffin and brought back to consciousness. It was a test to see whether he would reveal classified information or not. He had passed.

    The next thing he was strapped into a bed and loaded into the back of an ambulance. I can’t recall the scene exactly, my mind is scattered somewhat. His wife was talking to him and she was asking questions about the classified information, assuring him he was going to be okay. The man eventually disclosed the information and when he did, the ambulance siren was switched on, and his wife proceeded to suffocate him.

    My last memories are of the man thrashing on the bed, while his wife held a stone faced expression, devoid of any emotion.

  9. “A Serbian film” has lots of disturbing scene. But there is one in particular. Too disgusting to even write here. Those who have seen the movie, know which scene am I talking about.

    I should have never watched the movie. My friend claimed it’s the most f**ked up movie of all time, so I watched it as a dare. Just like many people will watch it after reading this comment. My advice is “please don’t”

  10. I’m fairly desensitized to disturbing stuff and have a pretty strong stomach for it, but one thing that sticks out for me… I actually don’t even remember what the movie was called but there was a scene where a dude was tied to a chair in an otherwise pretty empty room, and gets his skull smashed in with a hammer. Alive for too long while it’s happening. I think it hit me so hard because I’ve seen a similar video of an IRL murder done with hand tools, I think in some forest in Russia or something, where the victim was just… alive for the longest time and just gurgling. If you know the video I’m talking about… I’m sorry. Even as desensitized as I am, that one has always stuck with me and gives me horrendous chills.

  11. The beginning of the “It” movie when Georgie gets killed. Kids getting hurt is a boundary for me. Especially after becoming a father.

  12. The entire movie called ‘Happiness’. But specially the whole theme with the dad raping his sons friend that slept over and then the son feeling sad his dad didn’t want to rape him. Terribly disturbing movie.


  13. I recently saw “Nope”, the swallowing scene and the rain on the house. Shit stuck with me.

  14. The cheek to cheek scene in Requiem for a Dream. What got me was knowing it was not the bottom of her downward spiral.

  15. Pretty much any rape scene, but the scene in the Swedish version of *The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo* was so intense I had to walk out of the room. I haven’t even watched the American version because I can’t get a straight answer on whether the same scene is worse in the American one.

  16. Most of Hereditary. I’ve never been more stressed out watching a movie yet absolutely loved it

  17. I would have said Irreversible or Serbian Film (that scene is too fake/comically badly filmed it isn’t even in the conversation) but Martyrs (The original French one) is the most violent disturbing movie I’ve ever seen.

    And what the fuck with that ending. WHAT DID SHE TELL THE OLD LADY!!??!

  18. In a hilarious way: the final scene of “Little Miss Sunshine” with the stripper routine. It was so unexpected and utterly wrong. Even as perfectly played comedy it was so cringe I had to pause it several times to get through it.

  19. The Green Mile is objectively excellent, but the failed execution by electric chair is too much for me. Watched the movie all the way through once, and that was enough for me.

  20. That scene in robocop where the guy gets hit with that vat of acid gave me nightmares as a kid. I still get chills when I watch it today.

  21. American history X, the curb stomping. When the kid bites the curb and they purposely have the teeth on concrete audio clear….always have to look away.

  22. Georgie’s death in IT 2017. Took me months to build up the courage to watch that movie as I knew how scary that scene was. I watched the movie last month. That scene is disturbing as hell. You see his arm get bitten off by Pennywise and you see him drag him into the sewer. Scary as hell. Not only that, you also see him trying to crawl away from Pennywise and the sewer while crying and screaming for his brother. To me, that part is the scariest. Not even him getting his arm ripped off or dragged into the sewer but him crawling away while crying and screaming for his brother. That’s what gets to me. Love the opening scene up until Pennywise kills him. The only part of the movie I don’t like is him getting killed. I love the movie and it’s one of my favourite horror movies and one of my favourite movies of all time but Georgie’s death is very difficult to watch.

  23. The entire movie The Human Centipede. But if I had to pick one scene in particular its is when the crazy doctor guy is admiring his creation and shit seeps out of the seems of his surgical pairing of the second and third people.

    When I was in high school I watched that movie with some friends. the plan was to watch the sequel too but I noped out after the first one.

  24. Has nobody thought of Midsommer? Travelers wander into a cult where the people have wierd sex practices and upon reaching a certain age, they jump off a cliff and land on rocks below that totally fuck up the bodies, as the cult citizens watch. They then take the bodies and carve them up, eating them. They burn people in a building. Very graphic, probably the most graphic movie I have seen.

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