I’m going to be dying by the end of the month (it’s complicated please don’t ask why).

One thing that does bother me for some reason is whether or not I’m missing out on much, Ive never done raw penis to vagina sex.

Everyone says its like heaven and earth difference with condom, I’ve received raw oral a few times. So my question is have I really missed out on sex and is it not credible to consider myself dying a virgin?

  1. First off, let me say that I’m very sorry to hear about your situation. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. I will say that, if you reach out on r/dirtyr4r or other online resources (I saw someone link to adultwork.com in another thread), there is some possibility that you could find a way to get the experience you want. I don’t know if you’d prefer hope or fatalism, but the option is there if you want it.

    As to your question itself, the answer is that virginity is not a physiological state. it’s not something that can be physically measured or documented: a vagina is not physically altered by intercourse, and a penis certainly isn’t. As a result, there really is no answer to the question of how you decide whether or not you’re a virgin. So what that means is that you can decide the answer for yourself. You get to choose your own definition and apply it to yourself. Again, I’m not sure if that makes you feel better or worse, but it is the honest truth.

  2. No, you are not a virgin.
    Sex is basicly when two people (or more) has a sexual attraction towards eachother that they act on.
    Touching eatchother, oral sex, cuddeling e.tc. could all be conciderd sex. It depends more on your feelings towards the act.

    Im really sorry to hear about this, but to give you an answare, i personally prefere oral sex.

    I hope you have a good last time here on earth, and i wish you best of luck!

  3. Wait, literally dying? Like leaving planet Earth? Ceasing to be? Expiring and going to meet your Maker?

    OK, if so, that sucks, but you don’t want to talk about it, so let’s focus on the question of hand.

    Yes, coitus can be a truly wonderful thing — I would not compare it to Heaven, but only because of your circumstances — and without a condom it’s even better.

    Here is the weird thing though: with someone you have no emotional connection with, it is really not much.

    If you are, as you suggest, about to kick, you do have a trump card. Perhaps there is someone in your life whom you like, someone you otherwise would not really have a chance with. Someone to whom you can explain the situation and ask for the favor.

    Save the part about the condom for after she agrees though. Yes, going without a condom is a huge improvement, but a lot of girls regard seeking it as somehow crass. Get her to commit to sex first and then discuss contraception.

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