Hey everyone, so recently I’ve started trying to improve on my social skills and it’s been going well. I give myself teh goal to have a good conversation with someone at work just casual talking through the day kinda thing.

I also started rock climbing and give myself the goal to have a conversation with someone completely new. It usally goes well, I ask something like hoe do you do “xyz” or that climb look tough etc and a small conversation usally starts.

A few times I started climbing with them like going to different routes they give me tips etc.

Thing is that’s as far as my conversations ever go, I never make any close friends more like just acquaintances.

I never end up getting numbers or making other plans I just kinda say bye and might see them again by chance nothing actually planned.

How can I work on this? It feels weird saying something like “did you want to swap numbers and do this again” I always feel like im kinda forcing myself into a group and even if I do get someone’s number it usally feels like the friendship falls apart after a bit. Any help would be great 🙂

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