Someone I’ve met in class several months ago has studied with me frequently, and we talk about a bunch of stuff and I’ve slowly started to like her. We recently went to look at a college we’d both likely transfer to for some event they had going where you can visit, which was the first thing we did that we spent time outside of the premise of studying to meet. It was fun, and at the end when we walked back to our cars to go, I went ahead and mentioned that I really like being around her. She said that she likes being around me too, and suggested we hangout to play games or something sometime. I’m pretty happy I went ahead and said this, but I’m unsure what I should be doing now. Neither of us have broke the touch barrier aside from me giving a high five a month ago, so I guess should I try to break that more since it seems she does enjoy being around me?

TL:DR I’ve started liking a girl I’ve been studying with, and we talk about a lot of different things while we are around each other. I’ve gotten to know a lot about them and I decided to say that I really like being around her at the end of something we both went to. She said she likes being around me too, and I’m unsure how I should keep going with things. I’m thinking I should try to break the touch barrier when we hangout and/or study next?

  1. Ask her on a date. Don’t stay in purgatory if you want to go next level. You gotta be crystal clear.

  2. You need to flirt with her. Make it clear you have. A sexual interest without being a needy nice guy.. You need to touch her also. You may be going down the friend zone path.

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