What’s one of your favorite pictures from your life?

  1. Me holding a baby alligator when I was a kid, I loved alligators.

    And photos of my late husband and I, he was my best friend and my soul mate and I’m glad I took a lot of photos of us together.

  2. One of the first gifts my boyfriend got for me is a Polaroid camera. On our first weekend get-away together we set it on timer to take a picture of us in our hotel room. The picture came out great, we both look cool and we joke that it’s gonna be our album cover.

  3. Too many to pick from, but I’d say a picture my aunts, older sister and I recently took together at a bar 🙂 our family has been through so much hell and it’s the only picture we have together, so it means a lot to me

  4. A B&W film picture my long term ex took of me in our first apartment just months before we broke up. I was 22, and my life was about to drastically change. I was so naive and hopeful. It’s a beautiful picture and I have the only copy (which I have taken bakeup copies of now of course so I don’t ever lose it 🙈)

  5. There was an event with l’Oréal where they had stylist doing hair for free. I was walking in that area really randomly. I went there. I came back home. Took a selfie and it has been one of my favorite.

  6. We have a framed image in my mother’s house of my kindergarten classmates and I during Halloween, 1983. Boys and girls all dressed as superheroes, Frankenstein’s monsters and princesses. And then there’s me frowning in the front of the picture, dressed in my father’s over-sized suit and dress pants.

  7. One of me as a five year old freckle faced blonde kid attempting to look as glamorous as a Hollywood starlet carrying a koala like it’s a designer handbag. Yes I’m Aussie.

  8. I have this really scenic photo from Deception Pass, WA. My ex-fiancee and I were planning on getting married there. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. Too bad it didn’t work out, but maybe that’s for the best.

  9. My best friend and now boyfriend took a photo of me genuinely laughing. I had no idea he was taking a photo of me. It was a sweet surprise when I saw it on my phone. I had never seen myself laugh before that, it had always been that weird fake laugh that people do for photos.

    It was nice seeing myself happy from an outside perspective

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