Nicked from /r/AskRedditAfterDark, interested in more UK-centric answers.

  1. My unpopular opinion about sex is that r/redditafterdark was created for people who want to ask about sex all the time and r/askuk was not.

  2. Anal sex is massively overrated, nothing like a gagging smell to make you flaccid in seconds

  3. That a lot of toxic men’s behaviour can be boiled down to the fact that women don’t want to fuck them.

  4. Not sure if it’s unpopular but … Especially since the fifty shades series came out, it almost feels like society expects you to be kinky else you’re a prude. And I think you should experiment a bit with things you’re comfortable trying in case you like it. But if you both enjoy a “boring” position like missionary, there’s nothing wrong with that. You do missionary!

  5. The whole daddy thing is creepy as fuck as is the expectation that women shouldn’t have pubic hair.

  6. It can be participated in just for fun and without feelings…. like 2 pals having a game of hungry hippos or table tennis

  7. Boring as all get out. Tried it once and got to wondering if it would be rude to watch tv over the guys shoulder. Definitely not for me but I know I’m in a minority lol

  8. Lots of people are too dramatic about the idea of ‘casual sex’. They have it engrained in them that they’re some kind of whore if they fuck someone whilst they’re not in a relationship, or that you couldn’t possibly have good sex with someone you don’t love.

  9. Sex work is Work. decrim now.

    and leave doggers alone. They don’t do any harm and the money and resources used by councils and police forces to harass them means that money and those resources are lost to the wider community for no good reason

  10. That it’s cringey when people openly talk about it and post about it on the internet. It never doesn’t come across like r/ihavesex material. Sex should be a private, intimate thing.

  11. Sex drive is such a strong instinct and need for a lot of people. So much so, that allowing an open relationship (for sex with others but without feelings) seems like a reasonable strategy to avoid hurt and cheating behind each other’s back.

  12. Why is getting sex still such a brag?
    Terms like ‘virgin’ and ‘incel’ (not defending the culture) shows this.

    It’s really not that hard to get in today’s society, if one really wants it.

    Platforms like tinder are basically a marketplace for a hook up, let’s be honest.

    It doesn’t necessarily require skill, good looks or even a good personality these days.

    What are sexed people so proud of?

  13. Women really should not shave **all** their pubic hair off IMHO. Call me old fahioned, but I like women that look like adults.

  14. Judging by my experience, reddit isn’t the place to ask. Sex hasn’t been taboo in real life since the 60’s. People have sex all the time, it’s just a fun activity almost everyone talks openly about.

    But not on reddit, oh no its all polite and hush hush on here. Nobody ever strpped off at a party or wanked off a pal or whatever. Everybody is a virgin and sex is just something made up it seems!

  15. Even if you’re in a polyamorous relationship. Sleeping with other people is still cheating.

    Monogamous relationships are difficult. If you’re in a relationship and it’s not monogamous you’re cheating.

    Not morally reprehensible obviously but you’re playing on easy mode.

  16. I like the CMNF fetish because I like to see a woman completely nude while her male counterpart is a well-dressed debonair gentleman. I wish I could have a missus who is into the CMNF fetish and feel comfortable being completely naked to me dressed in a bespoke 3-piece suit.

  17. Lots of people, especially older married couples do not have much sex and thats perfectly okay. So many references on TV are like “oh this couple is struggling, they don’t have sex” or “oh this guy hasnt had sex in 6 days he’s depressed!”

  18. That your (or anyone else’s, for that matter) body count means absolutely nothing. It’s nothing to be proud of. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s literally a number, and a largely irrelevant one at that which anyone who counts it for bragging rights or to judge other people by needs to get a damn life.

  19. Society loves to poke fun st how incompetent a lot of men are at sex but I’ve found most women to be just as lazy and clueless.

  20. Unless it’s in Spanish do not under any circumstances call me daddy.
    – And I don’t care if I know if y’all are fucking, I don’t care if you’re engaged or been together for years, if you don’t have kids do not call your man “daddy” in front of me.


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