I always get compliments on how beautiful I am by family and friends but I am the most insecure person you will ever meet, don’t get me wrong I’m not ugly.. I hope. I’m just nothing compared to those Instagram models and those porn stars… i’ve got gorgeous eyes, juicy lips and a decent body I like to think.. but I’m starting to think that’s not enough any more to impress guys. (I’m 18 and female) The last three sexual relationships I’ve had the guys have struggled to get it up.. The first said it was because he was drunk but we tried again the next day and he still couldn’t get it up, The Second one used the same excuse but he hadn’t been drinking much. And the third one used the exact same excuse that he was too drunk and thought watching porn might help him get it up.…. I think it’s my fault I think they’re just not attracted to me as soon as they see my body. Maybe they were telling the truth and maybe it was because they were too drunk but the first guy wasn’t drunk the next day and he still couldn’t get it up for me. It seems like it’s just an excuse all guys like to use when they’re not attracted to someone?..

  1. I think you’re going for the wrong guys. Maybe from the bar scene.
    Drinking does effect elections of some guys. Just depends on many drinks they can handle.

  2. You’ve had a bad recent run but it’s very likely not you. You’ll find someone who can satisfy you soon

  3. > It seems like it’s just an excuse all guys like to use when they’re not attracted to someone?..

    There are a lot of causes for ED but the girl is not one of them. That’s just not a thing.

    The two biggest causes of limp-dick:

    1. drinking
    2. not getting it up last time

    Nothing, except drinking, makes it harder to get hard than worrying about it. Once it is in your head that you might not get there, you’re doomed.

  4. They are probably just interested in sex maybe ? Don’t know I’m a virgin lol I’m sure you will find someone who appreciates you eventually.

    Your first mistake is comparing yourself to Instagram models.

  5. From the pic you posted in your profile, you’re very beautiful. I wouldn’t be surprised if the guys you attempted to have sex with felt inadequate? What I mean by this is that they started thinking about how hot you were, and felt like they were not going to be able to perform well enough for you sexually to be satisfied, so they psyched themselves out (causing them not to get hard 😉). Trust me it happens……So not to offend anyone here (talking about the guys), but that usually happens for guys due to a self worth/confidence problem, and/or their lack of sexual relationships (or just inexperience altogether). You did nothing wrong btw. Actually, you should feel pretty awesome. Being hot enough to screw up guy’s heads that they start second guessing their “D” performance is pretty bad ass. Future advice: Find someone that’s confident and self assured mentally and physically (not narcissistic btw), and maybe has had more experience sexually 😉!

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