I live in an apartment complex. I have these neighbors that I run into all the time. Like I will leave the house to go to class right as they leave. And pretty much see them a lot when I run errands, do laundry and head to and from class. They girls and im a guy so im trying to leave at different times so I avoid them so they don’t think I follow them. But this has only lead me to be obsessed and listen to there movements and spy to see if there gone. I don’t know what to do. I feel like a stalker and im crazy.

  1. You are overthinking.

    You are creating a problem where there is none.

    The fact is that you are not following them.

    If they think that you are following them that is their problem.

    They probably will not think that as long as you nod your head, say “hi” as appropriate, mind your business, and go about your business.

    These are coincidences. You have as much right to exist in your schedule as they and other strangers do.

  2. Stop giving a damn.
    Wave, smile and move on.
    You probably look more weird if you try to avoid them.

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