I (18F) have a boyfriend (18M) he’s such a wonderful guy and I love him to bits. We’ve been dating for about a year now and we’ve had our problems but we always work through them. My issue is that I get overwhelmed rather easily; whenever I do I have this thought that I need to break up with him or I need a break. The issue could have nothing to do with him but it’s a reoccurring thought I’ve noticed happens every time, it’s like the urge to cut things off for a relief I’m not too sure how to explain it. I never tell him and I’m too scared to tell him, I don’t want to hurt his feelings or have him thinking I’m gonna break up with him because I wouldn’t. I don’t know how to work through this or what I can do to avoid that feeling.

tl;dr intrusive(?) thought to break up with my bf over any overwhelming circumstance, don’t know how to work through it

1 comment
  1. You need to be honest with yourself and your partner. Work together to find the root cause as to why you feel so overwhelmed to the point of wanting to break up. If it’s intrusive and unwanted you can ask professionals for any underlying disorders, conflicts, traumas, etc. if it’s something your partner is doing that’s genuinely causing you to consider a break up then maybe that’s a sign that you’re unhappy and mentally exhausted with the relationship. You can choose to work around this together and support each other on growth, or walk away.

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